iv been smokeing for about 12 years now just these past 3 weeks iv smoked alot more and a more potent bud, its indoor skunk cross bread with freezland , good yummy shit 
I didn't read more than the first page, but when I read the above I had to reply.not withdrawls....sorry.......cant happen.............and Im not going to fuss about it.....just look it up..........what you are haveing is Anxiety not withdrawls...........yes if you are used to smokeing and just stop you could have all the symtoms you are talking about.......just relax....eat sleep like eveyone has stated..............pot is not a narcotic.......no withdrawls.........sorry........google it and get the facts...............every stoner will have a differant story...............me persononally I would say go buy some weed even if its swag LOL..............you wont die..........it will pass................
Read the rest of the thread I took a ass kicking already for it....see my reply...I admitt Im wrong..........so am I do be slammed the rest of my life cause I made a mistake about withdawls and anxity???? thank pal now I really feel like shit for trying to help.I didn't read more than the first page, but when I read the above I had to reply.
I will simply say that I know for a fact that cannabis gives withdrawal discomfort when you quit.
Which means it is addictive, even if only mildly so.
It's hard to get addicted on pot, but entirely possible. It's all about usage.
I smoke every day, and I accept that when I take a break I'll be in discomfort for a couple of weeks. It is very hard to see myself as addicted, since I can stop without any IMMEDIATE discomfort. This is probably why so many think it's not an addictive drug.
every day for the last 3 weeks i have smoked about a 1 too 4 grams a day, now this weekend im out compleatly of weed and i feel like im on speed . i am supper hyper , my stomach has that feeling that speed gives you , and i was wondering well WTF ???????????? is this shit normal D:
It'll pass. You built a tolerance and a habit and fuck anyone else who doesn't agree but you'd be having withdrawls sir.
not withdrawls....sorry.......cant happen.............and Im not going to fuss about it.....just look it up..........what you are haveing is Anxiety not withdrawls...........yes if you are used to smokeing and just stop you could have all the symtoms you are talking about.......just relax....eat sleep like eveyone has stated..............pot is not a narcotic.......no withdrawls.........sorry........google it and get the facts...............every stoner will have a differant story...............me persononally I would say go buy some weed even if its swag LOL..............you wont die..........it will pass................
Yep. True talk. I've stopped cold turkey a few times and haven't had a single withdrawal problem. Most of my friends are the same. No one complains of withdrawal. There are some of those whiny ass girls that say they are 'addicted' to it though (pssst they're the easy ones). lol
DID ANYONE READ THIS???????? I SAID I WAS FUCKING WRONG ......fuck man Im getting my ass slammed all over due to ppl reading part of a post and skip through and ignore the rest.........last time I try and help......exscuse me for not being perfect.ok its hard to find a website thats not biased about pot but this was the best I can find............they say withdrawls include anxitiy as a symtom..........so I figure it is withdrawls by what I can find........so ignore my post sorry....this is what I found
Once a person goes cold turkey and stops smoking, there are some very common marijuana withdrawal symptoms that start almost immediately and are reported by the vast majority of those who quit. The most common symptom described is a general feeling of anxiety, for all that the pot makes a person feel relaxed and unstressed the needle swings the other way when they quit. Most people tend to spend several days feeling out of sorts and generally cranky.
Marijuana is not heroin but neither is it the same marijuana that it was 20 or even 10 years ago, and as the potency has risen almost 10 fold over the decades, so to have the risks of addiction, the risks of developing a tolerance and experiencing withdrawal symptoms with marijuana cessation.
Marijuana detox and withdrawal is not dangerous but it can be very uncomfortable, and it can be difficult to overcome the cravings back to use and abuse. Many people can use marijuana recreationally without developing dependency issues, but many hundreds of thousands cannot, and it is not at all ridiculous to seek professional assistance if you are having difficulty overcoming an addiction to marijuana.
Uh...lol...sorry? I just skimmed through real quick and added the impordant stuff. But seriously take a chill pill man.DID ANYONE READ THIS???????? I SAID I WAS FUCKING WRONG ......fuck man Im getting my ass slammed all over due to ppl reading part of a post and skip through and ignore the rest.........last time I try and help......exscuse me for not being perfect.
SET HOOK LINE AND SINKER.........finally a bite ROFLMAOUh...lol...sorry? I just skimmed through real quick and added the impordant stuff. But seriously take a chill pill man.
You have been just waiting ever so patiently for that, haven't you? LOLSET HOOK LINE AND SINKER.........finally a bite ROFLMAO
LOL.....That's Pony. He's just a little fired up lately.LMFAO
ur a dick guy...
hahahaha hey I love ya man.......you just happen to be the one.........and I do wish you the best on staying off the junk........peace outLMFAO
ur a dick guy...