The UK Growers Thread!


Active Member
Alrite everyone? had a long day at work today, ive been setting up the Queen exhibition in Brick lane im shattered need a big old doobs rapid. Dura...hope you sort it out mate, take care.


Well-Known Member
I love a good story, please elaborate Saerimmner
basically i work as a doorman/bouncer/whatever ya wanna call us and our company took over ALL the doors of every licensed premises in a town not too far from where i live (won the contract not jus forced our way in) as the police and council wanted 1 door firm running the whole town so they could implement one of these "safer town" schemes (door staff running every door, connected by radio to police n CCTV operators etc), long story short one of the main conditions of the contract being awarded was an emphasis on lowering the amount of alcohol n drug related problems in the town, we basically got rid of everyone we were supposed to but this obv upset the local dealer/gangster as obv we are hitting him in the pocket, he tried buying us all off, then started mentioning to individual doorstaff that it might not be a good idea for them to carry on working for the company, then he started threatening and that was quickly followed by numerous lads (including me) who worked for us getting random kickings in supermarkets/pubs etc( 8/9 ppl onto 1 everytime, all masked up) shortly followed by stabbings( i was done down the arm with a cutthroat razor) and cars being set on fire etc

basically it all escalated over about 6months and ended with a lot of us enjoying numerous trips to hospital for stitches and tetanus injections and him being found about a month or 2 after he "disappeared" in some woods about 30miles away stuffed in a couple of black bags with no teeth or hands/feet


Well-Known Member
basically i work as a doorman/bouncer/whatever ya wanna call us and our company took over ALL the doors of every licensed premises in a town not too far from where i live (won the contract not jus forced our way in) as the police and council wanted 1 door firm running the whole town so they could implement one of these "safer town" schemes (door staff running every door, connected by radio to police n CCTV operators etc), long story short one of the main conditions of the contract being awarded was an emphasis on lowering the amount of alcohol n drug related problems in the town, we basically got rid of everyone we were supposed to but this obv upset the local dealer/gangster as obv we are hitting him in the pocket, he tried buying us all off, then started mentioning to individual doorstaff that it might not be a good idea for them to carry on working for the company, then he started threatening and that was quickly followed by numerous lads (including me) who worked for us getting random kickings in supermarkets/pubs etc( 8/9 ppl onto 1 everytime, all masked up) shortly followed by stabbings( i was done down the arm with a cutthroat razor) and cars being set on fire etc

basically it all escalated over about 6months and ended with a lot of us enjoying numerous trips to hospital for stitches and tetanus injections and him being found about a month or 2 after he "disappeared" in some woods about 30miles away stuffed in a couple of black bags with no teeth or hands/feet
Ive read the book I think m8 and did they not make a film a few years back

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
I was thinking(not too hard tho)does anyone who does soil want to do a soil v hydro grow off. I'll be able to start from the 3rd week onwards in June. We will get the same beans and see who yields the most and who has the better plant and we could get an independent adjudicator to do the smoke test. Any takers????
i reckon coco would take you on taste but the hydro would hands down take weight, thats a no brainer.


Active Member
WOWgrow....... is it you that studies physics?? if it is, wheres all the quantum kush's and higgs bozon hash?? lool


Well-Known Member
I cant stop laughing to all the 'likes' under the nutty posts
lol yeah whats with this likes malarky is it newish?

you been in bricklane today then rainz, use to live n work in tower hamlets for a few yrs fucking shithole is being nice about the area lol


Active Member
lol yeah whats with this likes malarky is it newish?

you been in bricklane today then rainz, use to live n work in tower hamlets for a few yrs fucking shithole is being nice about the area lol
Yea since 8 this morning mate, you know the brewery? been setting up stage and set everywhere in there, cant complain tho im dying to meet brian may and i will thursday!!!! well happy but yea shame its in a 3rd world part of town lol its like where's whitey down there. Loads of fashion sorts rand there aswell nearer spitallfields, past a bit of time watchin the models as well lol.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
i quite like the "like function" for me its good for when ur stoned and cant be bothered to write something but wanna show u've visited lol. i've given nearly double the likes i've received lmao, fucking pointless really lol