The UK Growers Thread!

Second that one. Literally just emptied the contents of my stumoch on the hall floor, it was an unexpected one and I couldnt quite make it lol.

Haha, gutted mate. That's not exactly gonna brighten your day either is it. 5 day weekends and 2 day weeks for 2012!
Haha, gutted mate. That's not exactly gonna brighten your day either is it. 5 day weekends and 2 day weeks for 2012!

Naa not at all sir, not at all hahaha. Im struggling to get through the 2 day weekends hahaha.

Old Firm today so right back on it! Mon the Gers WATP!
can anyone tell me whether i should be spraying my plants with water as some leaves are quite dry but soil is moist. also if i should how ofter is it required? some pics so u can see

i have asked this question on 3 different threads and not 1 person has answered me in 3 days i am starting to have doubts about RIU now lol
so i am asking again can anyone advise me on this asap.


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i have asked this question on 3 different threads and not 1 person has answered me in 3 days i am starting to have doubts about RIU now lol
so i am asking again can anyone advise me on this asap.

I'm on my first grow mate so I dont know much at all but that happened to me n it was cos I had them in the seedling pots for too long but I dont hink thats your problem. I dont hink spraying will do much but.
i have asked this question on 3 different threads and not 1 person has answered me in 3 days i am starting to have doubts about RIU now lol
so i am asking again can anyone advise me on this asap.

you can foliar feed yes, its not essential. good rule of thumb is to stick your finger in the top inch of the soil if its wet it doesnt need watering. tell us bout your setup, whats your temps like & what light you using? how close is it?
you can foliar feed yes, its not essential. good rule of thumb is to stick your finger in the top inch of the soil if its wet it doesnt need watering. tell us bout your setup, whats your temps like & what light you using? how close is it?
im using a home made cabinet with cfl lighting i have 1 125w above the plany about 2 inches and 3 40w cfls around the plant at different positions. the temps normally sit about 35c at highest and 20c at coolest which is with lights off. i am running a 18/6 light schedule have done from seed i am planning on switching to 12/12 at the 1 month mark as currently at day 20. all info on my grow so far is on this link.
im using a home made cabinet with cfl lighting i have 1 125w above the plany about 2 inches and 3 40w cfls around the plant at different positions. the temps normally sit about 35c at highest and 20c at coolest which is with lights off. i am running a 18/6 light schedule have done from seed i am planning on switching to 12/12 at the 1 month mark as currently at day 20. all info on my grow so far is on this link.

that's not good, don't really want to be getting above 26, you got a fan in there?
im using a home made cabinet with cfl lighting i have 1 125w above the plany about 2 inches and 3 40w cfls around the plant at different positions. the temps normally sit about 35c at highest and 20c at coolest which is with lights off. i am running a 18/6 light schedule have done from seed i am planning on switching to 12/12 at the 1 month mark as currently at day 20. all info on my grow so far is on this link.

aye like mog says 36 is well over the top end really. 20-25 is about the mark, are you venting ?
now thats a fuckin tree! nice work pukka

Cheers Don, thinkin about savin her till December an wackin some lights an tinsal on her LOL

thanks mate i will get the proffessional, ur g13 looks great!! did u do anything to it 2 make it look like that?

Thanks bro, mate let mother nature do its thang!! only thing i did was about week 4 of flower a pulled an tied some of the lower colas in to some space as they were covered by the bigger top colas thats it.
you get sprayed in the face full auto then tell me paintballs hurt more lol no full face masks just goggles. i came back one day looked like a nestfull of bees had stung my face little red lumps everywhere was still a good day out.

I got told today at paintball that the guns can fire a paintball up to 230MPH over 50 metres, the most powerfull bb gun ive had was a M92Fs berretta that fired at 245ft per sec over about 35metres. Paintballs HURT, bb's sting lol.
well yes they do fire at about 230 mph the very same as a bb gun. if you convert that into ft/per second works out to be around 330 ft per second the very same as what my m4 and mp5 full autos fire at. and my sniper rifle fires at 500 ft/ per second. im not disputing that paintballs hurt but you get sprayed on full auto with an accurate bb gun thats firing about 600 rnds a minute theres no less pain believe me i used to paintball before i airsofted so have first hand knowledge of it. but hey i was only suggesting you tried it out not trying to have a comp about which hurts more blah blah blah getting told and actually knowing about something are 2 different things try getting some facts before gobbing off about which is better peace p.s hope your bruised up to fuck along with your ego!!!
You spastic cunt i was having a laugh, i only went paintball cos it was free, i'd feel like a cunt if my hobby was getting camouflaged up and running around with a load of men, bare in mind your using REPLICAS that shoot tiny plastic pellets. Stop playing fake wars and fuck off to the army you poofta
some random attitude freebie 4got the name? actually forgot the name months ago n me friend who had the clones of her fucked em up so she is no more n never even new what she was lol smells really orangey? this is at 8wks could go a few more but nevermind.


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