Ok about to cut down my second grow. Fucking comp issues are gonna keep me from posting and the sim card on my phone is fried all of a sudden. Dont buy sim cards from the phone stores. Sprint wants 110.00 for a 16 gb card got it online for 30 bucks fuck corprate america. Anyways i honestly can say this run with the full general.hydroponics keep it simple recirculating schedule is fucking amazing. I got colas growing off colas its amazing to see. The first grow cant touch this. I got 3 1000 watts hps on 12 3 gallon bucks and they are twice as bomb looking as the first grow. I will finish my three times a day flush today we flushed since saturday morning and man the plants changed so much. I read this article that said flush for 2 weeks and if your doing a sativa its closer to the begining of the 2 weeks and if its.indica its more towards the end of the 2 weeks. Also we are half way towards our goal of patients we only need 5 more so hurry and get on board people, after i post these pics u will all know i got this. In my opinion general hydroponics is more than just good i saw these plants do some wild shit.in the last week i never saw before . I will quote myself here "mother fucking shocking" what these bad as bitches can do. After the spring when everything is said and done i will carry 3 strains, sour cream, qleaner from subcool, and one more sativa dominant strain i deem effecient. Theres this sick plant in cali u can only get clones for blueberry dream maybe i can get my boy the mail me a few clones. Packaged right they are fine a few people have donw it already. Hold on to your shorts these pics im gonna post will make you potch a tent. Drink Guinness.