Just in case you did not hear - the DEA wants to legalize mj for big pharma


New Member
yes you read that right....The DEA wants to move THC to a schedule 3 for pharmaceutical companies who manufacture it while keep it at schedule 1 for american citizens.


The DEA in a last ditch effort to control the marijuana market and keep in the business of busting non-violent civilians makes its move to legalize thc for BIG PHARAMA while keeping it highly ILLEGAL for everyday citizens - FACTS & QUOTES SOURCE: NORML.ORG - MPP MAP IS CREDIT TO MPP Http://www.mpp.org

Source for announcement from the drug czar himself in an interview by the daily caller: SOURCE: http://www.dailycaller.com/2011/02/10..


Well-Known Member
So they will be trying to weed out care-givers at some point and time here in America?

Not many things that have value stay in the "public" for very long.

Yup I am sure that we are getting to that crossroad where marijuana's fate in America will be sealed for awhile. Although I do not think the Government is in any shape to wanna go the route of messing with the people at this time in history.. I think it would be best if they left this one alone for a bit.LOL

Although we as Americans do need some fucing closeur to this issue Once and For All!

I do know one thing that the people are done with all this shit the goverment is doing.

They wanna try to take marijuana from the people?Fine they will think the flock of people that gathered in egypt for protest - was not many at all.

I for one am done with this shit, I am 30 almost 31 and I know what's best for me.lol

Thanks for the heads up deprave.


Well-Known Member
One more thing I will add to this topic.... If they ever pass anything like what they want to.. I am slipping on the head-phones playing Panteras "cowboys from hell". I will then be to the point of no - one or no establishment will be wanting to fuc with hic.LOL

That would probly be it for this camels back.. My back has already been weakened enough from my the governments stupidity, and an anvil falling from the sky would definatley break that mother -f'er


Active Member
Ugh, I wanna write another one of my long papers for this, but... I am afraid one day someone is gonna show up and be like "btw, thats considered treason, have a good time with life in prison."


Well-Known Member
Well you would just be like all the others that got sent to prison and did not do anything wrong.


Well-Known Member
It needed to be made into a schedule 3 before the FDA can touch it. It's a step in the right direction.

They can't take away the rights of the patients/voters in the states that already voted medical marijuana legal.

More states will allow it and eventually things will change, it's a slow going process.


Well-Known Member
One more thing I will add to this topic.... If they ever pass anything like what they want to.. I am slipping on the head-phones playing Panteras "cowboys from hell". I will then be to the point of no - one or no establishment will be wanting to fuc with hic.LOL

That would probly be it for this camels back.. My back has already been weakened enough from my the governments stupidity, and an anvil falling from the sky would definatley break that mother -f'er
Hang tough brother. Good things are coming.


Well-Known Member
it use to be legal back in the 1930's. i'm pretty sure they can take it away again if we don't have good representation.

It needed to be made into a schedule 3 before the FDA can touch it. It's a step in the right direction.

They can't take away the rights of the patients/voters in the states that already voted medical marijuana legal.

More states will allow it and eventually things will change, it's a slow going process.


Well-Known Member
it use to be legal back in the 1930's. i'm pretty sure they can take it away again if we don't have good representation.
The government can't do what the people won't allow it to do. In the 1930's it was the voice of the people that made it illegal, they believed the lies.

We are smarter now with the ability to spread that knowledge must faster. We know cannabis has medicinal qualities that should be acknowledged today.

It's just a matter of time for more people to open their eyes.


Well-Known Member
They've already got marinol and "dabrinol" i think it is. Big pharm wants money, i'll have to find the report that was stating that parts of the government are soley founded by pharm companies.


Active Member
It needed to be made into a schedule 3 before the FDA can touch it. It's a step in the right direction.

They can't take away the rights of the patients/voters in the states that already voted medical marijuana legal.

More states will allow it and eventually things will change, it's a slow going process.
They can. Federal law supersedes state law. It's really annoying.


Hasn't this been in the work for years ?

I know for sure I read an article years ago in 'Treating Yourself' regarding this whole mess with David Watson from GW Pharm. heading up research. The same guy who tried to herm out all Dutch genetics, and one of the only americans granted immunity in his research over there.
The federal guv is treading some murky water when they are jumping into this bed the way they are.
Sending a rep overseas, purposefully deceiving the people that pay their salaries, in order to take away possible jobs from those same people, and monopolize another industry it has no prior knowledge of from those same people.

They/Harry Anslinger outlaws and demonizes a natural medicine through the guise of racism.
I am sure they are preparing one big apology for racism and slavery for Obama to give before he leaves office.
I can't wait to see this. :clap:

Ugh, I wanna write another one of my long papers for this, but... I am afraid one day someone is gonna show up and be like "btw, thats considered treason, have a good time with life in prison."
100 Proxies and a blunt a day keeps the men in black and federal douches away :bigjoint:


New Member
Hasn't this been in the work for years ?

I know for sure I read an article years ago in 'Treating Yourself' regarding this whole mess with David Watson from GW Pharm. heading up research. The same guy who tried to herm out all Dutch genetics, and one of the only americans granted immunity in his research over there.
The federal guv is treading some murky water when they are jumping into this bed the way they are.
Sending a rep overseas, purposefully deceiving the people that pay their salaries, in order to take away possible jobs from those same people, and monopolize another industry it has no prior knowledge of from those same people.

They/Harry Anslinger outlaws and demonizes a natural medicine through the guise of racism.
I am sure they are preparing one big apology for racism and slavery for Obama to give before he leaves office.
I can't wait to see this. :clap:

100 Proxies and a blunt a day keeps the men in black and federal douches away :bigjoint:
I am sure they have been planning it for awhile now but it is only recently that the DEA announced this new 'change of heart' they are passing it off as if the marijuana research is new and just coming to surface as their excuse, just two weeks ago this same drug czar can be quoted "Marijuana is a dangerous drug and has no medical value" - keep in mind that their plan is to keep it illegal for private citizens and to legalize it for big pharma to sell and for production at the governments grow facility at the University of Mississippi, thus continuing their profit from busting citizens and selling marijuana while simultaneously making an attempt to squelch the medical marijuana and marijuana legalization movements, listen this is just not some conspiracy theorist ranting here, this is the facts straight from the bulls mouth, the drug czar admited this quite bluntly for everyone to see in the interview I linked in the original posting, you can also read more about this on norml.org


I am sure they have been planning it for awhile now but it is only recently that the DEA announced this new 'change of heart' they are passing it off as if the marijuana research is new and just coming to surface as their excuse, just two weeks ago this same drug czar can be quoted "Marijuana is a dangerous drug and has no medical value" - keep in mind that their plan is to keep it illegal for private citizens and to legalize it for big pharma to sell and for production at the governments grow facility at the University of Mississippi, thus continuing their profit from busting citizens and selling marijuana while simultaneously making an attempt to squelch the medical marijuana and marijuana legalization movements, listen this is just not some conspiracy theorist ranting here, this is the facts straight from the bulls mouth, the drug czar admited this quite bluntly for everyone to see in the interview I linked in the original posting, you can also read more about this on norml.org
The DEA 'change of heart' you're speaking of sounds like the exact point I made above when referencing the shady dubious work/experimentation being performed overseas/out of sight.

Who ever said this is a conspiracy rant ?
Sounds more like business as usual.
but keep in mind, everything is a conspiracy theory rant until the majority considers it worthy enough to do a flip flop on it.

I wouldn't take the daily caller as fact straight from the bulls mouth or whatever that means, but I do know that the issue #19 of Treating Yourself that I made mention of, is absolutely bustling with real knowledge if facts are what you are looking for, and it was written in 2009.

Drug czars will say anything, like any obedient puppet.
Harry Anslinger, the former drug czar, got cannabis classed and scheduled originally through fear of white women consorting with black jazz musicians.
Of course in the end, the plan is to make it illegal for the common person to cultivate themselves,
but I doubt there will even be private citizenship once the dollar has been bankrupted, and the u.s is turned into a 3rd world country.


Thats Right Big Pharma wants complete control. They shove their poison chemicals down the throats of people legally. While many sit in prison, and are broken for selling or smoking a leaf. Ktwister is dead on. This is business as usual. Monopoly and control is the name of the game. They can't patent it, although monsanto patent the Genetic make up of soy, corn, cotton etc. even a freaking pig.
They just see it easier to keep you from growing it, and them controlling it. Most of the FDA is made up of Pharma Executives, and food industry CEO's, thats a fact.