What does this look like! Help, pics inside!


Active Member

Is this because of too much water? And if so what is the correct "ml"of water do you give your plant?

:?:What is wrong with it:?:


Well-Known Member
Your young plants look green and healthy.
Soil looks like it has a lot of perlite and vermiculite, which makes it kinda too light. I like a more rich organic blend I make myself.
Yo try this....2 tsp Epsom Salts into 1 gallon water. Mix well. Thouroughly water all plants until the water runs out the bottom. Then let them dry out for a few days. The Magnesium jolt will produce roots. And there you go....


Active Member
your young plants look green and healthy.
Soil looks like it has a lot of perlite and vermiculite, which makes it kinda too light. I like a more rich organic blend i make myself.
Yo try this....2 tsp epsom salts into 1 gallon water. Mix well. Thouroughly water all plants until the water runs out the bottom. Then let them dry out for a few days. The magnesium jolt will produce roots. And there you go....
well what if i just start giving her nutrients? Would'nt that be better, just because it will allow for all that + more!
Plus if i add just magnesium its going to have hi salt concentration!


Well-Known Member
You dont have any roots to uptake the nutes yet. To make roots you need either sugar to feed bacteria in soil which starts a cycle.
Bacteria feed on sugars and other organic broken down matter and poop out basic elements like NPK.
There is a product made from molasses that does this. i dont rem. poke around it's ez to find. Any hydro store. When you say salt you gotta remember I'm talking about magnesium sulfate not sodium chloride..ie..table salt.
if they were my babies i'd put 2 tablespoons epsom salts into water, mix and water every day for a week.


Active Member
BULLSHIT!! STOP STOP STOP> Danny boy what are you doing??? Son, step the fuck aside...

1st, you don't add anything to a seedling. you control the amount of water you give it.THEN its nutes.

the RH looks low. If thats 40% rh . mines 70% while veg.

what you have right there is overwatering...let them dry up a bit....lift them. water when light with no nutes for now....the leaves will start to turn lime green when it wants to be fed....


Active Member
BULLSHIT!! STOP STOP STOP> Danny boy what are you doing??? Son, step the fuck aside...

1st, you don't add anything to a seedling. you control the amount of water you give it.THEN its nutes.

the RH looks low. If thats 40% rh . mines 70% while veg.

what you have right there is overwatering...let them dry up a bit....lift them. water when light with no nutes for now....the leaves will start to turn lime green when it wants to be fed....
I need a really good answer!!!!! PLEASE HELP!!!!!


New Member
Listen to sea smoke. Seedlings DO NOT need nutrients. Feed the plant only once a day? If you mean water it, then your already fucking up. Dear god how many times a day do you water the poor thing? Let it DRY OUT. Then give it 100 ML of RO water. Repeat process. THEN when it's HEALTHY and HAPPY start giving it VERY VERY SMALL amount of nutrients and go up from there. If you start giving it food now, you will fry it to high hell.


Well-Known Member
yo dog....look at my pix on my profile. i don't make shit up. Use the fertilzer manufacturers feeding schedule and don't deviate. if you need one look around. lots of info on here. seedlings do need a higher humidity. But they don't look water starved. they'd be drooping. Like really drooping.
The rule of thumb for watering always was...you water to saturation and then not again until just before the point of drooping. You have to find that point yourself. Try my recipe. On one or two plants. Ask Uncle Ben. Or Yoda. They both know everything.


New Member
You have a few small plants under T5's. Very impressive. Follow the manufacturers schedule and don't deviate from it? Just further proof you're inexperienced.


Active Member
Sooo, you want someone, a company, to give a recommended schedule?....I sell paint, and I recommend 4 coats of paint over 2 coats of primer...can I sell you 10 gallons??...


Active Member
Listen to sea smoke. Seedlings DO NOT need nutrients. Feed the plant only once a day? If you mean water it, then your already fucking up. Dear god how many times a day do you water the poor thing? Let it DRY OUT. Then give it 100 ML of RO water. Repeat process. THEN when it's HEALTHY and HAPPY start giving it VERY VERY SMALL amount of nutrients and go up from there. If you start giving it food now, you will fry it to high hell.
Well how long would I wait too water her. I give her NO NUTES YET. I only give her WATER. I went against everyone and water her yesterday. So when should be the next time too give her more water? And 100 ml is nothing that might not even reach the bottom of pot? My pot size is 2 gallon! I think HEHEH


Active Member
those leaves are def drooping,wait untill leafs look like their standing up towards the light that means their asking for a good water down. stop going against helpful info and listen.dont water for 2-3 days and when you see your dirt dry and crispy after atleast 2 days jus feed her.not rocket science more of a patience game quit worrying or your gonna take care of your plant to death


New Member
"your gonna take care of your plant to death"

My thoughts exactly. Fine, go against people who know what they're doing. Why even ask for advice if you're not going to listen? Why in the shit do you have a small seedling in a 2 gallon pot? My plants are in plastic keg cups until they are about 9" tall. Then half gallon bags, THEN 3 gal. when it's flower time. But don't worry about that. You'll never make it that far. Water it every hour on the hour. That's the answer you WANT to hear right?


Active Member
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It seems to Be the Light!!!!!!!! I brought my lights way closer and BING. NO more DROOPING!!!!!


Remember, its just a plant. Water it every other day, and dont worry about nutrients. Once you get down how to grow it and possible cloning, you can experiment with nutrients and learn how what too much and too little of everything will affect your plants output.


New Member
There ya go Mr Doggy! Looking better already.....a little too dry is MUCH better than too wet. a thirsty plant can be brought back easy....Once you overwater it creates ALL sorts of other problems. Sometimes, the plant never recovers. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
There ya go Mr Doggy! Looking better already.....a little too dry is MUCH better than too wet. a thirsty plant can be brought back easy....Once you overwater it creates ALL sorts of other problems. Sometimes, the plant never recovers. Good luck!
Couldnt agree more your baby looks nice now but if keep watering so soon you will run into huge problems. You have a 2 gallon pot with a small plant like that you shouldnt have to water but every 4-5 days, try sticking your whole finger down in the soil if the dirt is moist at all on the tip of your finger you need to hold off on watering another day or two. If your temps are higher you will have to water more often than usual. I subscribe good luck you should check out my new journal. PEACE