Shower Cubicle Set-up


Well-Known Member
...I've made a decision. I have to start flowering ASAP. I'm gonna start the 12/12 cycle tonight. The big one's gonna be too big otherwise. Here they are at day 28:

I'll ask my bud about the sodium lights again.

Oh, and the Nutes I'm using for veg growth are 'Bio-Grow' 8.0-2.0-6.0. I kept meaning to add that before but the bottle is upstairs and I'm not. My legs aren't working at the moment coz I'm baked.

I love weekends :)


Well-Known Member
There's a post at the top of the Grow Journal forum which says 'Do not post in someone's journal unless asked'.

I welcome you all to post in this forum.


Well-Known Member
I had an idea. What do you think:

There's hardly any heat given out by my lamp so I'm not worried about burning my leaves. At least I think it'll be okay...

....You think???


Well-Known Member
Nice looking seedlings mate. I'd choose one and make it a mother so you have the strain and don't have to go through the whole process every time but you would have to set up another space for mothers and clones. You may not have space to do so. I don't know if reflecting light up onto undersurfaces of leaves is productive. I seem to remember from school(a long time ago admittedly) that photosynthesis happens on the upper suface of the leves, which is why that side is darker. Does anyone know for sure?
Cheers Mate.


Well-Known Member
Cheers JimmySpaz. Unfortunately I don't have enough space to put aside for a mother plant. It's a shame coz I'd like to. I enjoyed the whole process though so won't mind too much :)

I'll give the CD thing a try though - see if it makes a difference. In actual fact, I'll remove the CD's from one of the smaller plants so it's a kind of 'control' plant :)


Drugs Taught Me Metric!
Cheers JimmySpaz. Unfortunately I don't have enough space to put aside for a mother plant. It's a shame coz I'd like to. I enjoyed the whole process though so won't mind too much :)

I'll give the CD thing a try though - see if it makes a difference. In actual fact, I'll remove the CD's from one of the smaller plants so it's a kind of 'control' plant :)
Key to a nice bushy plant is getting light to the the secondary growth. Catch them up with the top of the plant to get lots of "tops". Placing any kind of reflective material in your grow cab can only HELP, unless that of which is foil and ONLY IF you start get burn spots- even though foil sucks and is highly unrecommended it still works as a temp semi-reflective solution. I personally did the same thing you did except instead of CD's (which should work just as equally well) I cut a circle of Mylar out and placed a hole in the center for the Stem. In Hydro you can't let the light get to your Res water or roots so this also helps blocks light getting through the Medium (Dirt people don't have to worry about that unless you have exposed roots for some reason). Now I'm not sure your going to see a huge amount of extra growth from placing reflective material on the bottom but like I said- it Will only reflect that much more light and the more reflective you can make your cab- the better you babies should grow. I would def. look into that HID though. I am not a critic of CFL's as I use a couple myself but I do however think that your going to need the HID very soon. That or jam as many CFL's as you can in there... even if its for 1 or two plants just jam them all in there and let it ride right above your plants- they will need it.


Drugs Taught Me Metric!
Also, I just started flowering about 5-6 days ago and one maybe two of my plants were about your size... I have lots of pics in my journal that would show how much mine have stretched in that time period... If your starting to flower- it should give you a good idea of what to expect. Check it out- bottom of this post.. in my Dresser


Active Member
That big mama should get some good buds for sure. It will be interesting to see how the little ones do. Good luck! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Cheers Oscarmiya and KholdStare :)

I've got limited light power so it was important to get the big one flowering sooner rather than later.

I was browsing through the internet and found the Talk to Frank website. It's a UK government run website offering 'frank' information to people interested / worried about illegal drugs. The only thing it doesn't tell you is how to roll a decent spliff:

..oh, it doesn't tell you where to get them either!


Ali Haji Sheik

Active Member
i'm impressed and I'll be watching! Your ladies look great, and I can't wait to read the "I'm wasted from my home grow harvest" post.

Question for you - how much / frequently have you been watering?


Well-Known Member
hey man....looks like things are continuing to grow well for you....great work, and thanks for the continuous updates! cheeers!


Well-Known Member
Oh shit. I think my big plant is a f*kin' male. Double shit, looks like Photobucket (where I host my images) has completely bummed out and now all my photo's are gone. And I can't even post the photo I took to ask your opinions. Bollocks.


Drugs Taught Me Metric!

You are correct man. Get that scum bag outa there unless you plan on Breedin. Sucks.


Well-Known Member
Yea man that's no good. But you got two others- at least one will be female, so no worries. Keep up the good work!


Well-Known Member
as has been said....keep up the effort....its does work for you in the end....sorry to hear of the male.....good luck going forward!

Ali Haji Sheik

Active Member
Hmm. The good news is that you've solved the mystery of why one was so much taller than the others. The fact that the remaining two are phenotypically similar means a high likelihood of femininity.


Active Member
hi there
i seem to have the same setup as you although i have inclosed the top part of the shower for smell reasons do you have any idea if this will work as i plan on sealing the show off as much as i can hopefuly retain the smell , and plan on ventin some of the smell throught the drain .. so here is my question if i stick another fan in the shower to circulate the air will that work ?or am i gonna have to finda away so i can bring fresh air in through the top would you know ? or would you know a cheap way i could defuse the smell some how ?