On Global Warming - 16,000 scientistS agree ...


Active Member
if apocolypse is supposed to happen when we least expect it, but we keep expecting it, then will it ever happen. people are always predicting the end of the world. this is an example of which. OH NO THINGS ARE CHANGING AGAIN!!!!


New Member
Okay, there are two minds. Isn't there always (at least)?

Is it worth the risk? If we CAN change things why not do it? This world is too concerned with money, and we don't feel that we're ready to change our attitudes. This is fear, this is laziness. The future of mankind could be at stake, and all people want to do is argue.

I agree Dank, global warming is a natural occurence. We are merely speeding things up and beyond to a degree never witnessed by this earth. Surely, it just isn't worth the risk. If we can do something we should do it. To just lie down and take a kicking should not be an option for any one of us. Unfortunately we have gotten lazy, half of us afraid of our own shadows. There will always be sheep, yet our (elected) leaders are weak.

I'm more in agreement with med', there's something sinister at work here. I can only think of the oil companies. Who else stands to lose money?


New Member
Yes Vi', I agree the muslim threat is vast. Yet this only threatens our society. Global Warming on a scale the world has never seen before threatens mankind's very existence.


Well-Known Member
i have heard both extremes of this also skunky, one libertarian i know actually argues that smog cools the planet, protects us from UV... one commy i know thinks we should all use bikes. the plain truth is that we should be good stewards of this planet for the future generations. asia and the middle east are the biggest polluters though, and since when do they care?


Well-Known Member
Med sez...

But surely you can see the accelerated melting might be a little the fault of man, Maybe not. Anyway I told myself I wouldn't waste my time debating this issue as it is a no brainer to me...

So, "maybe yes" and "maybe no" ... and yet its a "no brainer?" If you haven't come to a definite conclusion, that means that you, like Al Gore etal, have no conclusive facts to back up your wishy-washy conclusions. I mean, "maybe so" and "maybe no," then at the same time supporting solutions that would cast the U.S. economy into the dumpers and also cast U.S. citizens into the morass of world socialism, via the Kyoto Treaty, isn't enough to sway me toward your "arguments" on global warming.

Now then, there are not too many people that I know of that don't think that something is happening with the climate. The earth's climate is in constant change ... but where's the proof that this change is caused by Man? I'm not willing to throw my life style, and the future of my children and grandchildren down the hole of "maybe yes" and "maybe no."

Ok so it is quite hard to prove factually that man kind is forwarding the global warming timescale. As we will only know the effects once they are happening.

However it is plain to see the effects that man kind has on this planet and how much better off it would be without us. A few weeks ago we had gale force winds which knocked down people walls fences and also took out a few lorries. I drove past a parkland area and saw that quite a few trees had come down with the wind too. Then I noticed some workmen were picking up the branches and trees and getting rid of them. If mankind didnt exist what would have happened the tree would have fallen and decomposed and made life over again, the planets reproductive cycle. Mankind gets in the way of nature as often as possible.

How many creatures has mankind made extinct?
How many different resources have been drained from the earth by mankind?
How many different toxic fumes have been released into the enviromnet by mankind?
How does the ozone and the environment get affected every time nasa decides to pump out extreme amounts of pollutant fuel in a space mission?
How much rubbish has mankind dumped underground in landfill sites?

There is so much were doing that i could have gone on for ages but ultimately how can anyone say that man kind isnt having a detremental affect on the climate and the ozone with all the shit we do?


Well-Known Member
From what I have read and checked out, it seems that the Global Warming IS a natural occuring thing. The temperature on Mars has also risen a few degrees from its normal temperature basically saying that it has something to do with the sun. Of couse the temperatures will change on the Earth, anything can happen here. Everything is always either up or down. There has really been no relevance to humans helping global warming. The US plans on making a tax (a bull shit tax) that will supposedly help fight Global Warming, but will really just go into the pockets of the rich.


New Member
From what I have read and checked out, it seems that the Global Warming IS a natural occuring thing. The temperature on Mars has also risen a few degrees from its normal temperature basically saying that it has something to do with the sun. Of couse the temperatures will change on the Earth, anything can happen here. Everything is always either up or down. There has really been no relevance to humans helping global warming. The US plans on making a tax (a bull shit tax) that will supposedly help fight Global Warming, but will really just go into the pockets of the rich.
The argument has moved on from this point. We are in agreement that it is a natural occurence. The evidence now points to an accelerated global warming of the like never before recorded. We are fast running out of time.


Well-Known Member
if we bend and mitigate only to balance the chinese levels of pollution, aren't we taxing ourselves for what they are doing?

i am not saying we should dump sludge into the ocean to spite them, but what do our efforts amount to when they cancel it out anyway?


New Member
if we bend and mitigate only to balance the chinese levels of pollution, aren't we taxing ourselves for what they are doing?

i am not saying we should dump sludge into the ocean to spite them, but what do our efforts amount to when they cancel it out anyway?
Two wrongs do not make right, 3rd grade wisdom


Well-Known Member
natural occurence!!! thats all there is to it... we don't know what has happened in the past but there is plenty of evidence that the world has cooled and warmed and will continue to do so... global warming is bs at least as far as humans are concerned... there is no acceleration because that is a human term... the earth and the universe don't care for what we think or what we do... things will continue to happen no matter what we do... i agree we should try to cut down on pollution and such that is our responsiblity to this world... but not because a washed up politician who wants one more run at the white house or because a bunch of scientists who want more grant money say so...


Well-Known Member
From Skunky's post
accelerated global warming
Interesting angle but I am convinced that it is indeed fallacious!
There are just way too many anomalies in the raw data, much of which is withheld from public scrutiny.
Fascinating power struggle under way for the control of money in pipeline of global warming high priests and shamans.....*lol*



New Member
From Skunky's post

Interesting angle but I am convinced that it is indeed fallacious!
There are just way too many anomalies in the raw data, much of which is withheld from public scrutiny.
Fascinating power struggle under way for the control of money in pipeline of global warming high priests and shamans.....*lol*

And so I am to assume you are the scientist in the room. You have done independent studies that confirm your contention that Man had nothing to do with global warming, in fact if there is any? I think there has been plenty of articles written by prominent scientists without an agenda other than to save mother earth to disprove your contention. Use the google and see for yourself. You can find opposing views, but most of those "scientists" have an agenda!



Well-Known Member
Oh, and the global warming shamans have NO agenda?
All I am proposing is real sustained serious debate...what is your side so afraid of?
It is indeed your side which labels opponents with inflammatory nonsensical names in order to avoid any real debate.
Comparing them to holocaust deniers is fairly desperate, no?



New Member
Oh, and the global warming shamans have NO agenda?
All I am proposing is real sustained serious debate...what is your side so afraid of?
It is indeed your side which labels opponents with inflammatory nonsensical names in order to avoid any real debate.
Comparing them to holocaust deniers is fairly desperate, no?
sheeze, I say bring them on, not for me, I'm tired of arguing with brickheads, believe what you want so you can feel justified in polluting all you want, buy those Hummers and lincoln navigators, I really don't care. I've only got a few years left and then it will be up to my grandkids to arrest the gross polluters and hang them. hell burn your garbage if you want and smoke up. I'll end my journey with this: If you cant see it then so be it!


New Member
The same way that we know global warming has happened before, is the same way that we know it has never happened this fast before. If you agree on the science that tells us global warming is a natural occurence, it is the same science telling us that it has never happened this quickly before. If you believe one, you must believe the other.

What does this say? Why is it happening faster? Mankind's pollutants are not to blame?

Do we believe that global warming will reach a certain point before calmly falling back down again like has happened so many times before? Or, do we believe that our pollutants are somehow pushing the earth over the virtual edge?

I mean, one day we're going to have to think of alternatives to fossil fuels anyway. Things are running out. Not only that but I believe mankind's pollutants are responsible for most cancers. There are alternatives, cleaner. Why continue to kill our earth, the chopping of the rainforests, the extinction of animals, of people?


Well-Known Member
Oh, and the global warming shamans have NO agenda?
All I am proposing is real sustained serious debate...what is your side so afraid of?
It is indeed your side which labels opponents with inflammatory nonsensical names in order to avoid any real debate.
Comparing them to holocaust deniers is fairly desperate, no?

Wavels they are afraid to have an honest debate about the Causes of Global Warming because they are afraid that they will be exposed for the charlatans they really are.


Well-Known Member
The same way that we know global warming has happened before, is the same way that we know it has never happened this fast before. If you agree on the science that tells us global warming is a natural occurence, it is the same science telling us that it has never happened this quickly before. If you believe one, you must believe the other.

What does this say? Why is it happening faster? Mankind's pollutants are not to blame?

Do we believe that global warming will reach a certain point before calmly falling back down again like has happened so many times before? Or, do we believe that our pollutants are somehow pushing the earth over the virtual edge?

I mean, one day we're going to have to think of alternatives to fossil fuels anyway. Things are running out. Not only that but I believe mankind's pollutants are responsible for most cancers. There are alternatives, cleaner. Why continue to kill our earth, the chopping of the rainforests, the extinction of animals, of people?
we don't have any evidence about the rate of climate change..this is all assumption. actually, the semi-evidence we have shows that the onset was quite fast in Europe in the 1300s...with the grapes and all, you're familiar.

everyone who is rational agrees, on all sides, that we have to work on using cleaner energy and developing cleaner industrial processes. it's better for everyone to be cleaner in general. not many people advocate the destruction of our planet.


New Member
The same science has been used to test both global warming and accelerated global warming. At one time people wouldn't even admit global warming is happening at all, now people are in agreement that global warming is happening. This was done by analysing ice cores, in the main. This was debunked at the time, so why now are people suddenly believing that global warming is happening? The same scientists that test the ice cores, told us years ago but we denied their evidence. What has changed? Why is this evidence accepted as real now? Now with further study these scientists have found that GW happens on a cycle. This was easily accepted, maybe the earth breathed a synchronised sigh of relief. Nightmare, over.

now after further study, scientists have discovered that we are accelerating faster than ever before. The argument now should be on whether the world is going to get so hot then cool back down again, or simply continue to get hotter and hotter as we slowly suffocate ourselves, I'm referring to the piffling amounts that will survive that long of course. We are having an effect, it is clear for all to see.


Well-Known Member
yes, there is a correlation, not a verified relationship but a correlation. still, the science is so complex that even the ones doing the work can't say for sure what's going on.

regardless, it's certainly not something we can "reverse", think of the momentum and energies involved...it's mind bogling. we have to keep improving what we can, what we can afford. creating a massive gvnmnt cause and dictating parameters for engines is pissing away money that could go toward actual research.