which fan leaves do I snip and when to do it?


New Member
you will get alot of diferent opinions on this i have tried both clipping them and not pruning at all and to me when i clip my big fan leaves i think the little buds on the inside of plant get riper faster if you prune the leaves but when i didnt prune any leaves i think my colas were a little better but all my plants inner smaller buds were not as ripe as all the outside of plant. so its up to you if you want to trim them you can. how big are your plants atm?


Well-Known Member
you will get alot of diferent opinions on this i have tried both clipping them and not pruning at all and to me when i clip my big fan leaves i think the little buds on the inside of plant get riper faster if you prune the leaves but when i didnt prune any leaves i think my colas were a little better but all my plants inner smaller buds were not as ripe as all the outside of plant. so its up to you if you want to trim them you can. how big are your plants atm?
i agree. i have tried many different variations with near similar yields , only differences that are really detectable are density . if i trim leaves and bud sites lower down then tops dense out a bit more.

Now im currently trying minimul trimming and lots of LST work . plants are2ft tall but almost 3ft wide with around 18 tops.



Well-Known Member
Lot's of people including myself cut the big "sucker" leaves. Just make sure that the shoot has established itself well. But if the leaf isn't hurting anything then leave it. I always tuck before I pluck.


Well-Known Member
cut off leaves?
not if you can help it...
Totally agreed Chubby, my leaves come off when they are either diseased, damaged beyond of being any help to the plant or dead. I do everything possible during the entire grow to keep all foliage. What has been said about inner buds slower to ripen, probably is more true than not. The important thing to remember or keep in mind that the more you trim the less you have to feed the plant. Unless you are pruning before the onset of flowering to encourage the upper canopy development I would leave all foliage possible. You might be better served by pruning the some of the inner bud sites off completely, leaving the fan leaf to be used up by the plant in its' time. Just my two cents and the way which works best for me.
Happy Growing


Well-Known Member
I think a sucker leaf is one that sucks water and/or nutrients to it...I think.
you mean where photosynthesis takes places and energy is created for the plant to grow bigger? the leaves are the power generators for the plant they do not suck anything away from the plant and if you think they do you need to read a little bit more about plant biology and photosynthesis.


Well-Known Member
you mean where photosynthesis takes places and energy is created for the plant to grow bigger? the leaves are the power generators for the plant they do not suck anything away from the plant and if you think they do you need to read a little bit more about plant biology and photosynthesis.
So didn't you just answer your own question...


Well-Known Member
of course i answered my question. i was trying to point out what a moronic concept a "sucker leaf" is.


Well-Known Member
here we go... are we really gonna start this stupid debate over again. it seems like every fucking week there is a new thread about cutting all the fan leaves off. why dont you just research one of those countless threads and read what people have already said because all the arguments are the same and people rarely change their mind about which way they feel. if it works for you fine thats great do whatever you want just maybe research your question because this one has been discussed many times over.


Well-Known Member
here we go... are we really gonna start this stupid debate over again. it seems like every fucking week there is a new thread about cutting all the fan leaves off. why dont you just research one of those countless threads and read what people have already said because all the arguments are the same and people rarely change their mind about which way they feel. if it works for you fine thats great do whatever you want just maybe research your question because this one has been discussed many times over.
This is true...


Well-Known Member
Do not listen to the deniers. They have no skill.

Stripping fans in my grow upped my yield by 4 ounces.

Its all about Canopy Management. Strip fans on day 21 and 45 of flower. Only remove large fans that have a stem and any leaf that blocks lower branching budsites.


Well-Known Member
I like to cut about 80% off the fan leaf,AKA (the leaf attached to the main stem) the 4th week of flower.

cajun rose circle

Active Member
you will get alot of diferent opinions on this i have tried both clipping them and not pruning at all and to me when i clip my big fan leaves i think the little buds on the inside of plant get riper faster if you prune the leaves but when i didnt prune any leaves i think my colas were a little better but all my plants inner smaller buds were not as ripe as all the outside of plant. so its up to you if you want to trim them you can. how big are your plants atm?
1 Desert Flower that has already been supercropped and is 10" with a nice canopy forming. The White Rhino is 10" and looks like a head of kale or lettuce it's so thick. I will super crop it in 10 days or less. That or top it and clone the top. It has HUGE fan leaves. The shoots are doing well but they are under some of the big leaves. I use two 4' x 1.5' T5 fixtures.. One over the plants and one mounted to the wall as to broadside the plants. It's just the damn rhino, which is in veg and the Nor. Lights x Big Bud which has some big fans in the flower room. Is it better to prune during veg or flower?