Led Users Unite!

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
my par 38's came in 2day i put one of them on my killowatt tester and it only pulls around 8 watts! they do seem very bright within about 8-12 inches away but after that the light intensity really drops off on my cheap ass light meter either way if i have to put all 4 of them over my stinkbud veg system i am saving around 130 watts from the 2 ft t12 fluoro's i have been running ill play with them tomorrow to try to find the proper light distribution. i also got some 4ft 28 watt t5's which seem 2 be doing the trick on my other aero sys. not sure how long i'll be able to use them tho hopefully they will penetrate until my girls get to be 12 inches i plan on doing an apples to apples test to see which performs better 28 watt t'5s/par 38 led i hope these leds do the trick i would love to replace my t5's entirely
yay i am so happy


Active Member
my par 38's came in 2day i put one of them on my killowatt tester and it only pulls around 8 watts! they do seem very bright within about 8-12 inches away but after that the light intensity really drops off on my cheap ass light meter either way if i have to put all 4 of them over my stinkbud veg system i am saving around 130 watts from the 2 ft t12 fluoro's i have been running ill play with them tomorrow to try to find the proper light distribution. i also got some 4ft 28 watt t5's which seem 2 be doing the trick on my other aero sys. not sure how long i'll be able to use them tho hopefully they will penetrate until my girls get to be 12 inches i plan on doing an apples to apples test to see which performs better 28 watt t'5s/par 38 led i hope these leds do the trick i would love to replace my t5's entirely
yay i am so happy
I veg'd with T8's back in the day and found they were fine up to about 10" and after that the lower foliage yellowed out and died off. I would say T5's would be good to 12" as they are higher output. I used to run six shop lights attached to a frame over a 4x4 table and parked them almost on top of the plants. Definately no shaded areas :-)


Well-Known Member
How many Blackstars you got there SWUSAZ? What kinda supplemental light are you using? None of your pics look like they're being lit with LEDs. Not hating, just asking questions


Active Member
Just one 240 panel maxed at 18" that puts flowers touching the panel then I just pull them back down and rewire them to the cage. I plug the CFL's to take pic's that still come out like crap and so far I have not had to use them for heat, came close with mid 50's at nite and low 90'5 during the day. Why would constant CFL's and the extra heat help this group finish faster? I just leave them alone as much as I can stand. I will take pic's when they finish and I plan on getting a digital scale so I can put some kind of basket on it and weigh the whole thing at once. Question since this is my first G with LED do you normally have to use razor blades to cut the flowers to get tem to burn? I had a humidity meter in the mayo jar with the last tester cola and it read 14% is that the correct amount to say it is usuable and if you go lower will the stuff be not so sticky? I will never take offense as this is all new to me.


Well-Known Member
So thats just 1 240w Blackstar? Damn

Not sure what you mean about the razor blades. As your buds dry out they get less sticky. Keep airing them out for like 5 min at a time a couple times a day til it smokes well


New Member
Just one 240 panel maxed at 18" that puts flowers touching the panel then I just pull them back down and rewire them to the cage. I plug the CFL's to take pic's that still come out like crap and so far I have not had to use them for heat, came close with mid 50's at nite and low 90'5 during the day. Why would constant CFL's and the extra heat help this group finish faster? I just leave them alone as much as I can stand. I will take pic's when they finish and I plan on getting a digital scale so I can put some kind of basket on it and weigh the whole thing at once. Question since this is my first G with LED do you normally have to use razor blades to cut the flowers to get tem to burn? I had a humidity meter in the mayo jar with the last tester cola and it read 14% is that the correct amount to say it is usuable and if you go lower will the stuff be not so sticky? I will never take offense as this is all new to me.
what does this mean...you keep the light 18 inches from the top of the plants..?


Well-Known Member
hey i think there should be a sig pic like the 600W club has ... make a lttle LED diode guy haha just a suggestion


Active Member
what does this mean...you keep the light 18 inches from the top of the plants..?
Pretty sure the screen area is 26"L X 24"W X 38H minus 8" so max Plant Colas are 25ish. I have major height issues and just bend and wire tie them back to the screen whenever they reach the light. My problem is they are just taking way to long to finish almost like they are in a perpetual flower mode. I am actually thinking of decreasing the light schedule to 10/14 to push them to end, is that something folks due normally? I think the front area is 8 inches from the light now as I tied them down last week but some of the tops in the back are touching again and I am afraid to try and bend them down again but if I don't they always burn the leaf tips but the flowers seem to be able to take it. The biggest tops have put out so much sap they leave enough resin on my hands I must now buy some rubber gloves or use some degreaser to get it off my hands. I have been decreasing nutes one week then pushing 800 ppm for a week and they just keep growing. Maybe I should start using the CFL's even though I would rather not as this will push my temps back up. Poor design on my part for the grow area the next time I will be moving my exhaust to the far back top area to see if that helps maybe capping the panel and drawing air from it to help cool. Razor blades I use them to slice off flower pieces to put in a bowl trying to keep them thin so they are eaiser to burn. They are dense like when you cut a piece of foam is what they remind me of.


Well-Known Member
Strangely I had a similar problem when I let several of my plants go under the BS for the end of their flowering period. Whatever the spectrum mix is, the plants fucking love it enough in late flower to not give up. I actually started generating MORE new white hairs again after I shut down the HID. I tried less hours of light, colder temps, and that seemed to slow them down (and purple them up) but in the end I just said fuck it and chopped em.

I really wanted to post this earlier, but I thought that people would just be convinced I was trying to put on a sales pitch (I am not a salesman or representative btw). I didn't think that anyone would believe that my plant wouldn't stop flowering and growing new and thicker bud.

SO MUCH RESIN trimming those girls. Disgusting I love it. Fucking smoke is BOMB as FUCK too. I made some sick hash from the trim. I hope you have the same experience, cuz it was awesome for me.

Pretty sure the screen area is 26"L X 24"W X 38H minus 8" so max Plant Colas are 25ish. I have major height issues and just bend and wire tie them back to the screen whenever they reach the light. My problem is they are just taking way to long to finish almost like they are in a perpetual flower mode. I am actually thinking of decreasing the light schedule to 10/14 to push them to end, is that something folks due normally? I think the front area is 8 inches from the light now as I tied them down last week but some of the tops in the back are touching again and I am afraid to try and bend them down again but if I don't they always burn the leaf tips but the flowers seem to be able to take it. The biggest tops have put out so much sap they leave enough resin on my hands I must now buy some rubber gloves or use some degreaser to get it off my hands. I have been decreasing nutes one week then pushing 800 ppm for a week and they just keep growing. Maybe I should start using the CFL's even though I would rather not as this will push my temps back up. Poor design on my part for the grow area the next time I will be moving my exhaust to the far back top area to see if that helps maybe capping the panel and drawing air from it to help cool. Razor blades I use them to slice off flower pieces to put in a bowl trying to keep them thin so they are eaiser to burn. They are dense like when you cut a piece of foam is what they remind me of.


Well-Known Member
Strangely I had a similar problem when I let several of my plants go under the BS for the end of their flowering period. Whatever the spectrum mix is, the plants fucking love it enough in late flower to not give up. I actually started generating MORE new white hairs again after I shut down the HID. I tried less hours of light, colder temps, and that seemed to slow them down (and purple them up) but in the end I just said fuck it and chopped em.

I really wanted to post this earlier, but I thought that people would just be convinced I was trying to put on a sales pitch (I am not a salesman or representative btw). I didn't think that anyone would believe that my plant wouldn't stop flowering and growing new and thicker bud.

SO MUCH RESIN trimming those girls. Disgusting I love it. Fucking smoke is BOMB as FUCK too. I made some sick hash from the trim. I hope you have the same experience, cuz it was awesome for me.
You make me feel excited about my crop. A few people on my other forum's journal say that my bud looks like it is covered in VELVET its soooo frosty and soft. I think that foam analogy is an accurate representation of what the resin ends up being. Nirvana should take some of my pics of my runt and run them on the website. If my new setup goes as planned i will only need 2 grows a year to cover my needs even if i smoked every waking hour.:bigjoint:

kush groove

Active Member
Strangely I had a similar problem when I let several of my plants go under the BS for the end of their flowering period. Whatever the spectrum mix is, the plants fucking love it enough in late flower to not give up. I actually started generating MORE new white hairs again after I shut down the HID. I tried less hours of light, colder temps, and that seemed to slow them down (and purple them up) but in the end I just said fuck it and chopped em.

I really wanted to post this earlier, but I thought that people would just be convinced I was trying to put on a sales pitch (I am not a salesman or representative btw). I didn't think that anyone would believe that my plant wouldn't stop flowering and growing new and thicker bud.

SO MUCH RESIN trimming those girls. Disgusting I love it. Fucking smoke is BOMB as FUCK too. I made some sick hash from the trim. I hope you have the same experience, cuz it was awesome for me.
I had the exact same experience last grow after 2 days of the blackstar it was like the plant started flowering all over again.....brand new hairs everywhere.....so i guess im not crazy after all

Ill be starting a thread in couple of days hopefully

Blackstar 240 flowering only for veg and flowering

Ive been vegging for about 2 weeks already.....one of the strains were a little slow to root but im on my way


Well-Known Member
wow mine are on track but i keep seeing new buds every day now too. maybe with this many guys reporting the same results blackstar will get the credit it deserves. I might never claim the highest yield but I bet the quality is superb.


Active Member
whats up everyone? Can anyone advise me on how I should ventilate my dr120 tent? My light should be here next week and I've got no idea what I'm doing with fans & shit. Growing with LEDs & living in the UK (always cold) presumably means its not going to get hot in there? Can't I just put a normal fan in the tent to move the air & use ONA or something for the smell? Godamit, I'm being lazy. I've just got to get my head around the intake/exhaust/tubing thing haven't I?
Kush Groove - whats that odour bag thing you recommend in the odour control thread? Is that stuffed in piping near the exhaust fan or is it just hung up somewhere? lol


Well-Known Member
Ok guys A tragedy just occurred 30 minutes ago. My 100w unit fell onto my low performer plant and I was forced to cut the main cola and a few side buds. I think I will water cure this bud because it was never flushed and was receiving lots of nutes. Idk what to do with this bowl full of sugar leaves though. I will post pics of the massacre when I get home.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
well i decided to go with 2 of the par 38's over one stinkbud veg. unit(18 gallon roughneck tote) it seems to light it up pretty well. now ill sit back and see which one grows better the28 watt t'5s or the par 38's am running nutes around 900-950