Well-Known Member
i know some people take drinabinol (is that right?) as a substitute for weed, i think it might only be by prescription though
drobinol is synthetic THC..... not recommended.
i know some people take drinabinol (is that right?) as a substitute for weed, i think it might only be by prescription though
I've not heard of anything permenant, but the fast tolerance rise is true because it's a few times more active on the cb1 receptor than thc itself.
I suggest you keep yourself busy, drink more coffee if you like coffee, or tea, workout, etc. don't use alternative drugs that'll just fuck your coping mechanisms.
Thats a good idea, water helps the upset stomache. oddly tums dont do SHIT. like i might as well eat some bleached dirt. Ive also heard of drinks that are sold to cleanse ur body of thc, your supposedly supposed to drink em for 2 weeks before a drug test. Is there any validity to these? i obviously dont need to pass a drug test but if it gets the shit out of my body thats all i can ask for right?it will come back slowly... I'd look into a natural herb store in your area and see if they have any teas or tinctures for stomach issues... they are out there trust me.
Thats a good idea, water helps the upset stomache. oddly tums dont do SHIT. like i might as well eat some bleached dirt. Ive also heard of drinks that are sold to cleanse ur body of thc, your supposedly supposed to drink em for 2 weeks before a drug test. Is there any validity to these? i obviously dont need to pass a drug test but if it gets the shit out of my body thats all i can ask for right?
perhaps the biggest issue right now is since that morning my stomaches been so fucked up I cant eat. And im only about 125 (5'8') so not eating is like... dangerous for me. lol. Will my appetite come back slowly or am i ganna need to start jammin food down my throat?
Other than that- How do i deal w/ weed withdrawls?
Simple: I remember the withdrawls after I quit heroin after 3 years of solid use. Now those are withdrawls.
Opiate withdrawls make the small amount of discomfort from quitting weed look like childs play.
I would compare quitting weed to your air conditioner going out in the middle of the summer.
i hear ya man..im on day 2 of no tokin myself, and i know exactly what youre going through!! usually after the second day its all good tho..you just have to stay busy..try to burn your excess energy by exercising. the dreams are great tho right!! i hadnt had a dream that i remembered in detail for years until i had to quit regularly(probaiton UA's)..i look forward to going to sleep now...its an adventure!just wondering if anybody has any tips to relieve the uncomfort of suddenly stopping toking
i have smoked steady everyday for quite a few years and now have to abstain for awhile
its been 5 days now, and it really sucks.
been really irritable and tired all the time
been having some crazy ass dreams also
i will be so happy when this is over and i can puff again
any suggestions would be greatly appreciated
its so messed up that i have to stop taking my meds, it really feels cruel and unusual to me
Poplars, your first advice was the best; meditation. I already know; ya'll think it's a buncha kooky hippie bullshit; i always thought the same thing, then i went to prison for few years. Do it like I did; ignore the metaphysical aspects and just do the breathing exercises. You'll start to see just how crowded your mind is once you try to shut it up. All these substances people are recommending with the best of intent will only complicate matters for you in the long run. You already know what a heightened sense of consciousness feels like by virtue of your experiences with weed; the funny thing is, we don't need weed to achieve the same results and beyond. Good Luck.
as bad as opiate withdrawals are, I'd rather kick dope three times than have to go through methadone withdrawals again. let THAT be the reason I don't fuck with either one ever again!
How do you meditate? This may sound like a stupid question but Ive really never lived in a community/family that believes in meditation, so i truly dont know the first thing about it.
WW try a smoothie instead. I eat meat but in this instance the yogurt will hook you up.