
Im at week five in my first grow and i keep reading and seeing flushing everywhere on the forum but i cant find an explanation as to why you do it and if you have to do it or not. Help would be great



Well-Known Member
do you have hydro and stable phenos- flush. if you grow in soil, you can but you normally stop using nutes anyway as it remains in the soil, just add ph'd water, kinda a slow flush i guess. if you grow outside or organic-flushing is a waste of time. i dont flush and i use hydro, but i stop feeding nutes the last week and add molasses which contains vitamins and minerals as well as sugar.


Well-Known Member
Yea, the reason people flush hydro is unlike soil you supply all the nutrients the plant gets. For some reason they stay in the buds and taste like crap.
Have you ever smoked weed that snap crackled and popped when you smoked it, the joints didn't burn right or black ash instead of gray? That's it bud.


Well-Known Member
some of the cleanest smoke ive grown happened on accident. i had to go out of state for a funeral and then got sick. for 2 weeks my roomate just kept filling up the res with water cause i didnt feel like explaining to him how mixing nutes works.


Active Member
IMO, I do not think you have to do it, but will try and explain why and when its helpfull. Flushing can be done if your plants are having a problem such as nute burn or any other issues caused by inproper feeding, water/soil ph or toxic build-ups in your soil or growing medium. Flushing your plants with water set at the proper PH level will help remove excess nutes or salt buildups. Most people flush plants with three times the amount of water. (3 gallon pot = flushing with 9 gallons of water, let 9 gallons of PH'd water run out the bottom of you pot) You can also flush plants a week or two before harvest to remove any chemical taste that might be cause by the fertilizers you used to feed them. If you are growing organic then flushing isnt that big of a deal. I think if you use RO water that has the proper PH along with organic fertilizers, them flushing will not be needed. I am sure if you search this forum you will find more info than you care to know about flushing or not flushing. I do think its something you should know about if you have an issue that you believe is caused by something you did or didnt put into the soil. Flushing is the only thing you can really do in order to try and get back to ground zero. Tip:Having a soil that drains really well is helpful if flushing is needed. Good luck



Well-Known Member
some of the cleanest smoke ive grown happened on accident. i had to go out of state for a funeral and then got sick. for 2 weeks my roomate just kept filling up the res with water cause i didnt feel like explaining to him how mixing nutes works.
Yep, I run straight water for two weeks or clearex 24 hours then 1 week straight water on my hydro grows. Works great. I have fucked up a couple hydro grows, I know the difference. Soil grows, I stop feeding a couple weeks before cutting but that hasnt always been the case and I never smoked anything that was grown in soil that had a nute taste..
I grow in soil, not hydro. And didnt use nutes all through veg because its my first grow and was paranoid that nutes in combo with miracle grow would cause burning. Did transplants from party cups to 8 inch pots about a 2 or 3 weeks ago and started feeding fox farm tiger bloom after starting flowering. i do feed, water, feed, etc. etc. What are your personal opinions about how important flushing is to my situation. I plan on using Organic Big Bloom and Molasses during the final couple weeks of flowering.


Well-Known Member
Honestly, I tried it (after awhile), Liked it and never went back.
Is it a Super cure or something? Don't know, but don't believe so.
Can it hurt? Don't believe so.
Know my bud burns better.
My bubble is like 95% pure.
BHO is "Honey / Shatter".
And Tinctures are kick as$.
So, why not?

I do believe it complements a well done job. Much like a perfect cure.

Then again, I'm not a toke & choke guy.