Large Quantity Curing And Drying


Active Member
Now what about large quanities. I need something that is faster. Now seriously how do the big boys do it. Lets just say 600 to 800 pounds. What about just drying slowly out of sunlight. What is moisture content of cured weed. Can you freeze uncured weed and cure later on. Grow happy and have fun.



Well-Known Member
500 mexicans each with two hair dryers
lmao now thats funny haaha
seriously, 600lbs of weed requires serious manpower not for drying, but for the trim. you can always hang them in a big well vented shed even could add a heater in there. but to trim such massive harvest you will need many workers. say a hard well payed worker can trim 4lbs per day, you will need like 10 workers trimming non stop for 15 days to trim 600lbs


Active Member
Maybe I can get some cheap Libyian workers, just joking. Is that the way the big cartels do it, just have tons of manpower. Always thinking, quess I just am lazy at times. Thanks


Well-Known Member
well i'm just speculating, there's no other way to trim such amounts, you need labor, but then again, how much will one profit from selling 600lbs of weed? 10-20 workers are a negligible cost compared. if you're making that much money, i doubt that you will be doing the trimming yourself, you will be more like choosing your favorite limo the figures in drug sales add up quickly. i like to do the maths lol so if one had 600lbs of weed to sell wholesale for say 1/2 the price, that's like 2000$/lb so 600lbs will be like1.2million$! i wish i had the cover to do such an op


Active Member
I don't but I always dream big. Why do you trim anyway, there is tons of trichomes on the small leaves also. I am pretty ignorant about this, so please bear with me. I have reasearched about curing and found some advice about just using a vacume sealer and freezing the weed. What do you think? If you don't have air and it is frozen what can happen to it.


Well-Known Member
you trim big fan leaves without trichs first then you trim the small ones but keep them aside because they taste bad to smoke so you extract hash from them and keep the bud. curing is best in glass airtight mason jars. plastic is no good. if you intend on freezing you have to keep them drying for some time first then dry them entirely with dehumidifier they should have NO moisture whatsoever. i am actually worried about freezing because in case of moisture theyr ruined. i would refrigerate them instead. i have a batch that will last for long, i think i will throw it in the fridge 6 months after harvest, but not in the freezer. they will last 2 years with same potency easily. who would want to store for longer anyway...


Well-Known Member
600 lbs / 5lbs a day=120 man days to trim. $25/hour per trimmer X 8 hours per day= $200 per day per man. $200X120 days=$24000 in labor to trim that batch.

$24 000 labor for 1.2 mil (600 lbs @ $2000/lb) worth of product is an ok return :)

I have to say though. If you have 600-800 lbs of product chances are you would not be on here looking for information on curing & what not.

Just a guess.. this is all academic correct??


Active Member
well i'm just speculating, there's no other way to trim such amounts, you need labor, but then again, how much will one profit from selling 600lbs of weed? 10-20 workers are a negligible cost compared. if you're making that much money, i doubt that you will be doing the trimming yourself, you will be more like choosing your favorite limo the figures in drug sales add up quickly. i like to do the maths lol so if one had 600lbs of weed to sell wholesale for say 1/2 the price, that's like 2000$/lb so 600lbs will be like1.2million$! i wish i had the cover to do such an op

I wouldn't want anyone to know I deal with that amount. It would take years to see $1.2mil.


Well-Known Member

well i'm just speculating, there's no other way to trim such amounts, you need labor, but then again, how much will one profit from selling 600lbs of weed? 10-20 workers are a negligible cost compared. if you're making that much money, i doubt that you will be doing the trimming yourself, you will be more like choosing your favorite limo the figures in drug sales add up quickly. i like to do the maths lol so if one had 600lbs of weed to sell wholesale for say 1/2 the price, that's like 2000$/lb so 600lbs will be like1.2million$! i wish i had the cover to do such an op

You were replying the same time as me :) We both came up with very similar numbers! Laugh..



Active Member
600 lbs / 5lbs a day=120 man days to trim. $25/hour per trimmer X 8 hours per day= $200 per day per man. $200X120 days=$24000 in labor to trim that batch.

$24 000 labor for 1.2 mil (600 lbs @ $2000/lb) worth of product is an ok return :)

I have to say though. If you have 600-800 lbs of product chances are you would not be on here looking for information on curing & what not.

Just a guess.. this is all academic correct??
correct, just wondering how they do big batchs. In big drug cartels in other countries they can get labor that keeps there mouth shut, but in the states that is a different story. There must be people here that raise large quanitites. I always dream big.


Well-Known Member
even in the US you can get workers who don't talk, they dont want you busted if theyr highly payed... i too like to dream big, the growing part is the safer part of drug dealing, selling is where you more likely get busted. i cannot imagine how one can sell 600lbs weed and stay secret. if i had a dealer to take them from me for even 800k$ in a one time deal i would do it but i dont know such a big dog lol


Well-Known Member
i would guess if you had a huge batch like that, you dont even worry so much about trim, fan leaves and thats it. Let whoever you sell it to worry about the finer trimming.
I would think you get way less than $2000 a pound for 600-800lbs, not sure tho, i would guess around 200-500$ per pound


Well-Known Member
i would guess if you had a huge batch like that, you dont even worry so much about trim, fan leaves and thats it. Let whoever you sell it to worry about the finer trimming.
I would think you get way less than $2000 a pound for 600-800lbs, not sure tho, i would guess around 200-500$ per pound
200-500$ per pound is not realistic even for large quantities, a pound's street value is like 5000-7000$ can't see it sold anywhere less than 1000 that's 2$/gram and that would be a GREAT deal 1/5 street price. drugs profits are usually in the 300% range from the main supplier to the consumer


Well-Known Member
200-500$ per pound is not realistic even for large quantities, a pound's street value is like 5000-7000$ can't see it sold anywhere less than 1000 that's 2$/gram and that would be a GREAT deal 1/5 street price. drugs profits are usually in the 300% range from the main supplier to the consumer
If you have six hundred pounds its more than likely terrible schwag. Its been a couple years but pounds used come from texas for 675 a piece.