The "What If" thread.........


New Member
What if we processed it into heroin, sold it too big coporation owners and the corrupt polititians causeing them to become addicts, us rich, and overhrow the eveil american way while brining true freedom to the world....what if?

I looked it up online a while ago...its pretty simple with the right chemicals. I mean if some guy in the desser with a garbage can can make hard can it realyl be?
What if we processed it into heroin, sold it too big coporation owners and the corrupt polititians causeing them to become addicts, us rich, and overhrow the eveil american way while brining true freedom to the world....what if?

I looked it up online a while ago...its pretty simple with the right chemicals. I mean if some guy in the desser with a garbage can can make hard can it realyl be?
Then the roles would just be reversed.

What if life was like Star Trek?


New Member
The nwe could just beam to where ever we wanted and have cool hand vaginas.

What if I beat a prostitute with an umbrella?


New Member

mothershi.JPG this is who probes you after abduction.
funkadelic~_maggotbra_102b.jpg this is where babies came from.
images.jpeg this is how they fed baby animals at the zoo.

wei-old_pussy-774030.jpg this was your "bride to be" when turning 16 instead of a car.
michaeljackson-700336.jpg this was your uncle, "come on buddy, just a lil' more candy.. I wont tell anyone."
