Learn to cook, and work for a small restaurant. It may not make you much money but I will guarantee they all smoke. Besides small restaurants usually cannot afford to drug test because when they do, they end up with all the crazy alcoholic chefs. If you are a
1) good cook - you will be single out if your not
2) fast no matter what - Its the times when your tired and a 16 top walks in 10 mins before the kitchen closes that really make the job fun.
3) You will have to be easy going - nobody wants to work in a kitchen with a punk or a snob or a bitch. You will also have to learn to take a lot of criticism.
4) Have the ability to smile at some one while they tell you your food tastes like shit.
5) Cleaning - dishes and mopping are unfortunately part of the job.
6) Mental problems - every good chef has em.
If you have any of these above quality(s) then try to be a cook.
Hotels, big name places, casinos are great but they drug test. But they pay a lot more money.