Very good point cannon. I should add as well that you don't need to be weighing dry leaf matter and root densities to know if something has affected a plant positively or negatively, you can typically tell. I should add for those that don't use feminized seeds, unwanted male plants provide an excellent way to experiment without risk of losing a crop. obviously you won't know how things will affect yield but you can make correlations. My last seed popping resulted in 6 males out of 8 seeds. My subsequent anger was vented by putting 5 of these males through what can only be determined as plant hell.
I started "playing" with them shortly after I could sex them which was about 8 nodes. I wanted to investigate transplant shock, defoliation, "extreme" LST, and also become more adept at spotting over fertilization early. This is basically what I found:
1. I ripped one plant out of its pot and left it lay out for a whole day, roots and all. I repotted him and watered with superthrive. Net result...he got wilted as fuck for the first half a day or so but was quickly back to normal. The overall net change compared to the untreated plant was essentially nill.
2. The extreme trim plant got all the lower stems and leaves removed. I would say about 90%. The only thing left were the two top nodes. He did not like this at all. The plant basically went into a sort of hybernation mode and nothing happened for about a week. After that week though he started growing very rapidly. he never did catch up obviously as the untreated plant was hauling ass but he didn't shrivel up and die. My take was, not a good thing but it wasn't going to be the end of the world if you needed to do something drastic.
3. The extreme LST dude didn't really impart any new information to me.I basically tied and super cropped every single new shoot as soon as I could. I didn't want an apical stem to form basically. I wanted to see if I could force the plant to maintain many large stems instead of always focusing on that primary stem. I'm in a SCROG so this would be awesome. Basically the plant became this trainwreck looking thing. Shoots, shoots and more shoots, It didn't have much vertical growth, well some, but ultimately the plant got so damn dense that I thought it would be a nightmare if it every went to flower. It seemed that instead of maintaining several large stems it just kept making more. I dunno.
4. The "death by salt" plant probably had the worst time and I swear if you turned the fans off and listened really closely you could hear him scream. I watered at the usual times but he got to drink 3000 ppm of grow nutes. It actually took longer than I thought for him to really cry foul. It was about a week of this feeding before he got major tip burn and the leaves started both rolling and folding. The thing that was interesting is that he went from looking ok (well, he was WAY to dark green) to a burnt nightmare in a single day. Other than the dark green color, I couldn't really decipher any tell tale signs of over fert

I gave him a straight tap water feeding and the next time fed him 3000+ of bloom nutes. Crazy high phos and no nitrogen. A day or two later he mega bleached out turning yellow (the whole leaf, no interveinal green) and at that point I got tired of him and he went in the compost bin.
I guess my point is, if you ahve some males or extra clones, go ahead and beat the hell out of them. Its kind of fun to have a "I don't give a fuck what happens attitude"