Stoner Movie.. watch it high


Well-Known Member
13 (2008)
Eng Subs, Veoh Movie DL Needed

A naive young man assumes a dead man's identity and finds himself embroiled in an underground world of power, violence, and chance where men gamble behind closed doors on the lives of other men.



Well-Known Member
Fracture, new rambo screener? The Warlords?, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind?, balls of fury?, last season of Sopranos?

most of these are for my girl except rambo and sopranos..thanks man....

no problem bro.. more than happy to hook it up with some flix to watch over the weekend.. here they come ( if i can find em all )

The Warlords (2008) The Warlords (2008): *PERFECT / SCREENER QUALITY* w/UK Subs >>>> Starring Jet Le, It's a heroic tale of three blood brothers and their struggle in the midst of war and political upheaval...



Well-Known Member
Fight Club (1999)

Plot: You're young. You have an easy, well-paid deskjob. You have a condo, Swedish furniture, artistic coffee tables and a fridge full of condiments. Yet you feel emotionally and spiritually empty. You eventually find comfort in going to support groups for lukemia and cancer victims when there's nothing wrong with you until they're hijacked from you by another faker. Then you meet Tyler Durden, a man that shows you that not only can you live without material needs but that self-destruction, the collapse of society and making dynamite from soap might not be such a bad idea either.

Fight Club

Fight Club Trailer


Well-Known Member
sucks... seems like i got all of them except the 2 u wanted... so far... all the links for good quality rambo are broken.. and i have yet to come across the sopranos.. but ill keep lokin for ya. .


Well-Known Member
sucks... seems like i got all of them except the 2 u wanted... so far... all the links for good quality rambo are broken.. and i have yet to come across the sopranos.. but ill keep lokin for ya. .
thats cool..don't stress off it...if you find them thats cool...great work man..much appreciated...MORE REP 4 U!!!!:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
u know what.. i fuckin love ufc.. im gonna do my best to find it...
Sweet me 2 man!! I wanna go to the one in montreal UFC 82 or 83 I forget... They sold out in 5 min though.. :( on ebay they are selling the tickets like for a few thousand.. Maybe next time..

Another thing as well the Family Guy Star Wars link doesnt work.. Can you find a new one please??


Well-Known Member
If you havent seen this i HIGH-ly reccomend it.. Katt's opening sequence is the funniest shit i ever saw.. "every day im hustlin" .. HAHAHA

Katt Williams - American Hustle (2007)

Summary:Katt Williams is back in this theatrical follow-up to the PIMP CHRONCILES PT. 1. Katt's flashy street attitude drives a story about returning to his roots. Katt is offered the opportunity to become a major Hollywood player. But there's a catch - he has to sell out by appearing in a musical penguin movie. Instead, he ditches Hollywood, rounds up his crew of Luenell, Red and Melanie and hits the road in a wild cross-country comedy tour. Features special appearances by Jeremy Piven, Ludacris, Snoop Dogg and Tamela Jones​


Well-Known Member
Beowulf (Unrated Directors Cut) (2007)

The warrior Beowulf must fight and defeat the monster Grendel who is terrorizing towns, and later, Grendel's mother, who begins killing out of revenge.