Any way to not smell weed??


Well-Known Member
I live in a college dorm and was wondering if there was any sure way to smoke weed in my room with out the smell getting out in to the hallway. I have one window in my room as well. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I really do not like driving around smoking and would love to be able to smoke in my room but I can not afford to get caught.

Thanks in advance:joint::joint:


Well-Known Member
lol... well im not condoning nor am i saying by any means to try this...

but i used to duct tape the door shut. no gaps or nothing.

and lysol the room down....

normally i like to be on the dolo. private person myself, but sometimes i do have like MAYBE one friend...

but we had to chill in the room for about an hour to release and neutralize the smell....

we never got caught, althought we were on our p's and q's.

it was getting to cold to smoke outside, fuck all that!


Well-Known Member
yes i know a way, get an empty toilet paper roll and stuff it with dryer sheets and the smoke you blow through it will not smell like weed at all. The only thing that will smell (no where near strong enough to get to the hall) is the run off from whatever ur smokin on.


Active Member
get an empty toilet paper roll and stuff it with dryer sheets
the doob tube is the ultimate in smell proof technology. just DO NOT store your dube tube anywhere near your bag of goodies, unless you like the taste of dryer sheets! mmm :spew:


Well-Known Member
I know about the toilet paper tube and dryer sheets but you don't think that the smoke coming out of the pipe will get me caught. I also think smoking a joint, blunt, or something like that would let out a lot more smoke than a pipe or one hitter for the fact that they burn continuously.


Active Member
Well if your smoking in a dorm then I wouldnt even consider smoking a joint or a blunt. For one they smell much worse then if you were to hit a pipe but also like you said much more smoke to deal with (also I find that when you smoke a joint or blunt the smell is much much harder to get rid of). If I were you I would stick to a pipe and use the toliet paper and dryer sheet trick, with some lysol/ferbreeze.


Well-Known Member
I don't know I really don't think it is even worth it if I were to get caught I would be totally fucked. I think I am going to stick to cruising the town and smoking a blunt, unless any one has a amazing way to never have smoke or use a spoof (tube+dryer sheets)



Well-Known Member
You said you have a window? If it's big enough, get a box fan(or any fan that will fit in the window) and put it in the window blowing air out, NOT in. Then just sit by the fan and toke. The fan will suck all the smoke through the window and blow it out. I used to do this in the summer when we had box fans in our windows and just turn it around. :D


Well-Known Member
I don't know I really don't think it is even worth it if I were to get caught I would be totally fucked. I think I am going to stick to cruising the town and smoking a blunt, unless any one has a amazing way to never have smoke or use a spoof (tube+dryer sheets)


you just learned the most important lesson of your life. :mrgreen:

can't do the time, don't do the crime.

way to think straight and play it cool. pot is great and all but is it worth your education? :peace::blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
yes i know a way, get an empty toilet paper roll and stuff it with dryer sheets and the smoke you blow through it will not smell like weed at all. The only thing that will smell (no where near strong enough to get to the hall) is the run off from whatever ur smokin on.
Always used this is hotels- never any problems. You can also mist the dryer sheets with cologne/perfume for different scents. LOL... :blsmoke:

Seriously though, think long and hard before you risk your future. (esp. education wise, they won't give you a refund on your tuition if you get kicked out.. )


Well-Known Member
I live in a college dorm and was wondering if there was any sure way to smoke weed in my room with out the smell getting out in to the hallway. I have one window in my room as well. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I really do not like driving around smoking and would love to be able to smoke in my room but I can not afford to get caught.

Thanks in advance:joint::joint:

Dont ruin your eduemacation by smoking weed on school grounds , If caught you will be expelled .


Active Member
From the time I started smoking in my house up until this point I find it virtually impossible to hide the smell of marijuana from other people in the same house when it's being smoked. Hell I can't even open up my jar (and sure as hell not break the bud down) without it stinking up my room. It's just like cooking food, even when the doors closed and all of that eventually you'll get a wiff and know it's food. Only solution is to just go outside or burn like 100 inscents and spray the room with like 2 full bottles of febreeze (I've never done it lol). Maybe that'll work :). But then everyone is gonna know why they're smelling all that shit too.


Well-Known Member
Smoke out your window.

I've also heard that going in the bathroom and "taking" a realllllly hot shower works.


Active Member
I blaze in my room all the time, i just blow the smoke through the toilet paper filter, and then light a nice smelly incent after, it masks the smells completely.


Well-Known Member
I would agree that it really isnt worth getting caught. I think that I will just cruise around town and smoke. We got a frisbee golf course right up the road so that is always a good place to smoke.


Well-Known Member
im my area when you stuff a bunch of dryer sheets in a paper towel roll its called a happy toke, i dont know why it just is