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how hes so funny hahaha cat williams is the manThis is a reference to Kat Williams weed skit: [video=youtube;CSw75zU9lcE][/video]
how hes so funny hahaha cat williams is the manThis is a reference to Kat Williams weed skit: [video=youtube;CSw75zU9lcE][/video]
This is a reference to Kat Williams weed skit: [video=youtube;CSw75zU9lcE][/video]
Man wish i could help you with that, if you were up here i could point you to a couple places. but i don't really know anyone in your area. i love your attitude about donating medicine. really, thats what being a grower is all about. Its so satisfying to hand someone something that will improve their life, even if only for a short while, that they otherwise would have to do without because they can barely afford the treatments that are keeping them alive. you may want to try to organize website explaining who you are and how you want to help. hand out business cards with the web address, have a way for people to apply for your meds. give the cards to doctors or if you can give a few to the receptionist at the desk, they know who the patients in need are. i don't know what the dispensaries are like down there but maybe talk to them.
That´s pretty out of hand. I have heard some horror stories about LAPD but damn... I have been researching legal cases where the police have actually been ordered to give back the goods. For somebody from FL that sounds pretty crazy, I would think that the city has got to get these guys in check before it costs them millions. There a bunch of pending lawsuits against them already from what my atorney tells me.
I totally know how you feel, gardener, it gets very frustrating trying to figure out what the leos are going to find an issue with next. If they arent charging the collective with anything are they going to charge the worker with cultivation of all the plants? Whenever i see interviews with sheriffs and camp agents they always talk about how its "like the wild west out here" yet they treat people trying to do the right thing like criminals. i have heard too many stories of plants being chopped and left or places being broken into and all the gear destroyed. rippers wouldn't just chop and leave plants or destroy valuable equipment.
Some of these guys just have it in their mind that pot is a drug, drugs are bad, and it's their job to cleanse the planet of this devil weed.
There's about to be another lawsuit against Ventura PD. The President of CannCut told me yesterday that they're trying to push through a speedy trial for his worker so that they can sue the pants off of Ventura PD. In addition to the 160 live plants and grow gear, the Man took 30lbs of dried medicine. I would think that with money being as tight as it is, these police departments would think twice before cowboying through a legal grow op because they feel like it.
My lawyer told me an interesting story about how a year ago Ventura PD stuck their foot in their mouth. An officer was testifying against a collective grow operator. He was trying to make it look as if this collective was making massive profits from it's grow op. The DA asked what the street value was of an average pot plant when mature, dried, and packaged. The officer calculated that each plant could yield 1 pound, and that, when sold an 1/8th at a time, that pound would cost $6,400 ($50 per 1/8th).
Fast forward 6 months. Ventura PD unlawfully seized and destroyed 12 small plants from a husband and wife personal medical grow. The court declared that Ventura PD would have to reimburse the husband and wife for the value of the 12 plants. The lawyer for the husband and wife produced the testimony from the Ventura PD officer in the other case, stating that a plant was worth $6,400. Ventura PD had to pay the husband and wife $76,800 for the 12 small plants!
The Ventura County DA no longer puts officers on the stand as "experts" in marijuana cultivation.
CG you are truely an insperation. From a little guy who start growing just to help my wife and I, that now has 4000w and a few years of experiance. I can only imagine what its like to be in your shoes. I know the feeling of donating to the local dispesary is awsome and it really helps cover the expenses, but the pure joy you most get from seeing peoples face when you hand them a bag of meds......priceless. keep up the good work
Hey man I feel you on the co-op take downs ..Santa Barbara is a feeding frenzy for the feds and local drug enforcement. The collectives I have bought from have been completely compliant from what this one owner told me.....but they took all of his stuff and shut down 2 dispensaries of his. I believe if you are too big doing too much the cops get jealous of the "easy" money that they think we are making. It's really fun but as ya'll all know alot of work. They believe we are getting rich on drug $ and they want to tear us down because of their own inequities and personal financial struggles..IMO. kinda like if I cant live comfortably then these"dope dealers" wont eaither...Why dont they go take down a Wallgreens or a CVS or bother those medicine providers...It's all a bunch of BS if you ask me. We need Federal Decriminalization and that's the only way to muffle this backdraft of pigs rushing wont stop it...they will still raid and rob to some degree especially those who are slipping but for the most part they will have to then leave us legal folks alone. I actually have a contract from the collective I am growing for...keeping me below 1000 plants is all I have to worry about supposedly...but I will still be very incognito and never get too comfortable doing this..those are the ones getting taken down...the ones that are like CG said BigTime and in their face
There's about to be another lawsuit against Ventura PD. The President of CannCut told me yesterday that they're trying to push through a speedy trial for his worker so that they can sue the pants off of Ventura PD. In addition to the 160 live plants and grow gear, the Man took 30lbs of dried medicine. I would think that with money being as tight as it is, these police departments would think twice before cowboying through a legal grow op because they feel like it.
My lawyer told me an interesting story about how a year ago Ventura PD stuck their foot in their mouth. An officer was testifying against a collective grow operator. He was trying to make it look as if this collective was making massive profits from it's grow op. The DA asked what the street value was of an average pot plant when mature, dried, and packaged. The officer calculated that each plant could yield 1 pound, and that, when sold an 1/8th at a time, that pound would cost $6,400 ($50 per 1/8th).
Fast forward 6 months. Ventura PD unlawfully seized and destroyed 12 small plants from a husband and wife personal medical grow. The court declared that Ventura PD would have to reimburse the husband and wife for the value of the 12 plants. The lawyer for the husband and wife produced the testimony from the Ventura PD officer in the other case, stating that a plant was worth $6,400. Ventura PD had to pay the husband and wife $76,800 for the 12 small plants!
The Ventura County DA no longer puts officers on the stand as "experts" in marijuana cultivation.
LOL i bet that cops face was red at work the next day...
collective, there is a dispensary not far from my house that gives away edibles to terminally ill patients. ive been talking to the cook that makes the edibles, and he actually wanted to buy 10 or 20 pounds of trim off a friend of mine. hes a really cool guy. im sure he would be down to work with u. hes in OC though. send me a PM if u want the info