URGENT: Double Diesel Ryder (auto) in BAD shape!

Hey guys. I need your help ASAP. my two girls were germinated properly in a cup of water until they broke out after 36 hours. They were planted in plastic cups. One did really well and the other one looks close to dead. I have watered as instructed by all the guides and added the nutrients as instructed as well. I think its the distance of the light that is causing this. If you could please tell me I would really appreciate it. Don't want to lose them. They are 6 days from seed.IMG00619-20110226-2029.jpgIMG00618-20110226-2028.jpgIMG00617-20110226-2028.jpg


Active Member
Holy shit yea the light is too close. You want your lights to be 2 feet away, maybe 3 cause theyre so young, unless youre using CFLs. I cant tell what you think is wrong with them but with the light that close im sure somethings wrong. Also, you dont want to give it any nutes til its big enough to need them. The first round leaves on the plant provide enough food for the first couple of weeks. Even when they do begin to need nutes, youll want to start wih a quarter strength dose so you dont give your plants nutrient burn.

Fix the lights and only give it water, you will see improvements soon if you didnt already almost kill it.

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
What light are you using? Are you letting the soil dry out very well between waterings? Temps, airflow? You might start by moving the light away a bit.


Well-Known Member
I think your main problem was feeding any type of nutrients to seedlings. There's a good chance you fried those tiny things. And for future reference, there's no need, and usually no use, to follow any watering "guides". Water as the plant needs it. As the others said, depending on what lighting you're using, it may be too close also.
Holy shit yea the light is too close. You want your lights to be 2 feet away, maybe 3 cause theyre so young, unless youre using CFLs. I cant tell what you think is wrong with them but with the light that close im sure somethings wrong. Also, you dont want to give it any nutes til its big enough to need them. The first round leaves on the plant provide enough food for the first couple of weeks. Even when they do begin to need nutes, youll want to start wih a quarter strength dose so you dont give your plants nutrient burn.

Fix the lights and only give it water, you will see improvements soon if you didnt already almost kill it.
Hey Uvalax,
Thanks for your input. I actually gave the plants some nutes thinking they needed it at an early stage. I hope I didn't kill them, any hopes on revival? The yellowish one seems pretty dead. I still have more seeds so no worries it was just a first try. So you think no nutes and normal doses of water at the beginning. Light at 2 feet to 3 feet? I am going to get rid of the dead one and plant 3 more. Should I germinate them with the floating on water method or the wet cotton? And once they break can they go directly into the pot or do they need to pass through a smaller recipient?



Rebel From The North
I think your main problem was feeding any type of nutrients to seedlings. There's a good chance you fried those tiny things. And for future reference, there's no need, and usually no use, to follow any watering "guides". Water as the plant needs it. As the others said, depending on what lighting you're using, it may be too close also.
i agree who the hell told you to feed nute to a seedling?
Hey Uvalax,
Thanks for your input. I actually gave the plants some nutes thinking they needed it at an early stage. I hope I didn't kill them, any hopes on revival? The yellowish one seems pretty dead. I still have more seeds so no worries it was just a first try. So you think no nutes and normal doses of water at the beginning. Light at 2 feet to 3 feet? I am going to get rid of the dead one and plant 3 more. Should I germinate them with the floating on water method or the wet cotton? And once they break can they go directly into the pot or do they need to pass through a smaller recipient?

Those seeds will get all they need out of the soil and water for at least the first week of popping out of the soil. Auto's are more sensitive to nutrients than a photo period plant so even in flowering they will require half or less the amount of nutrients. The light needs to be a minimum of 12" away and a maximum of 16". THIS IS JUST A RULE OF THUMB AND IS BASED OFF OF A MATURE PLANT. Judging by the photos I assume its an HPS or MH light which puts out quite a bit of heat. I would recommend keeping the light around 16" away at the seedling stage as its more prone to be burnt by the heat of the light. Some auto's are more sensitive than others to nutes. The double diesel ryders I have showed deficiencies around the first week, so it can all very from seed to seed. As far a germinating, I prefer the paper towel method. "DAMP" a paper towel (not dripping wet, but not too dry) fold it up and place the seeds in the paper towel and cover them up. Then put them in a ziplock baggie and put them in a dark warmer (NOT TOO WARM) place and check them every day. Once they pop put them about half inch under the soil and cover them up LIGHTLY don't push the soil down around them AND DON'T PUT A LIGHT ON THEM UNTIL THEY POP OUT OF THE SOIL. Also helps to keep the seeds stored in the fridge as it simulates winter and by taking them out and germinating it simulates seasonal change and gives a greater response and germination rate. Also remember plant growth is also based off ROOT MASS. The bigger the pot the bigger the plant can get. Recommend a 1-3gallon pot for autos to get the best end results yield wise. And I HIGHLY recommend going to this thread - The Art of the Auto - and reading as it has some VERY good information. GOOD LUCK!!