First Grow AK-48 CFL


Well-Known Member
Man shit is looking beautiful... As for the light setup i deffinatly like the way you think bro i got a lil babby at day 24 right now you should check her out i have 234w on that girl just by her self lol.. well any ways subbed for sure + mucho rep


Well-Known Member
They are looking great. My ak still has a long way to go:


If I can come anywhere near replicating what you have going then I will ge greatly satisfied. :)


Active Member
They are looking great. My ak still has a long way to go:

View attachment 1466319'

If I can come anywhere near replicating what you have going then I will ge greatly satisfied. :)
haha thanks man i was saying the same thing before i got to this point i just hope i don't mess things up but i feel for a first grow it's going pretty good. best advice i can think of is just reseach man and always learn from what others are doing on here.


Active Member
alright so its been awhile. been super busy with various other things pictures coming soon. which are a lil mixed up but i have one tall plant and one short fat one. also i pretty much left my clones for dead for about a week i came back and they were looking better.



Active Member
thanks ma dudes i also extremely pleased with them being i have no experience on my first grow i added a another fan today and tweaked the setup a lil bit