Mold !!!


I know that humidity probs and overcrowding can cause pm problems. I have heard that using neem oil before u get pm is a good way to prevent pm problems but I have not tried it personally. See a lot of ppl say it really works tho and I believe it's good for ur plants too
Nice . Do yo use the oil as a Liquid (spray/mixture) or Vapor (Burner/ect).... hmmmm


Well-Known Member
Not sure like I said never used it myself but I'm sure it will tell you in the directions. There are a few videos about it on YouTube tho u could check those out and see how they apply it. :)


Well-Known Member
That might have been why he was trying to kill them because PM is a bitch to get rid of After this grow i would wipe down your tent.


Well-Known Member
Neem will not get rid of it. Just help prevent it. If u have Powder mildew in veg. that shit spreads like wild fire, and u might think it's gone...Then wham hits in week six of flowering your screwed...I know! I never used serenade, but my friends has, it helped some & not others. And he had huge crop ended up using eagle 20 in week 2 of 12/12 never saw it again. But that shit it a powerful fungicide. People shy away from it, cause it's not organic. Just some input. Hope you can kill the shit! Good luck & Peace.


Well-Known Member
I used to have problems with Botrytis - aka Budrot

But I switched strains and have not seen it since.

The indica I used to grow before I got my sativa hybrid would have some budrot at every harvest.


Well-Known Member
Neem will not get rid of it. Just help prevent it. If u have Powder mildew in veg. that shit spreads like wild fire, and u might think it's gone...Then wham hits in week six of flowering your screwed...I know! I never used serenade, but my friends has, it helped some & not others. And he had huge crop ended up using eagle 20 in week 2 of 12/12 never saw it again. But that shit it a powerful fungicide. People shy away from it, cause it's not organic. Just some input. Hope you can kill the shit! Good luck & Peace.
yeah i heard about that eagle stuff but i didnt want to use anything that wasnt organic but i have heard it works really well. the serenade has been working for me ur right thats its worked for some and not others. i think its because they think its gone so they stop spraying and then BOOM it comes back. i don't want to risk it comming back so im just gonna keep spraying till the end and next time maybe ill try the neem oil as a preventitive....