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This thread is huge & I've searched but still trying to find the best deal on HORTILUX Super hps bulbs. I also need a portable ac unit around $200..... I would really appreciate it if anyone could help. Thanks
This thread is huge & I've searched but still trying to find the best deal on HORTILUX Super hps bulbs. I also need a portable ac unit around $200..... I would really appreciate it if anyone could help. Thanks
For the bulb I can not help you but for the portable AC I got mine at for about $250 and free shipping and nobody else came close to that after shipping charges.

This is what I have and it is in a 12x12x9 room with a hotwater heater, 600w hps, 400w mh and it keeps the room at 75 without much effort.
For the bulb I can not help you but for the portable AC I got mine at for about $250 and free shipping and nobody else came close to that after shipping charges.

This is what I have and it is in a 12x12x9 room with a hotwater heater, 600w hps, 400w mh and it keeps the room at 75 without much effort.

Thanks for the help, that unit looks like it'll do the trick. Does it have a biult in thermostat where it'll turn itself on and off? +rep to you sir. Thanks

Anyone else know where to find cheaper hortilux hps bulbs, or am I SOL. The cheapest I found is around $96.
Thanks for the help, that unit looks like it'll do the trick. Does it have a biult in thermostat where it'll turn itself on and off? +rep to you sir. Thanks

Anyone else know where to find cheaper hortilux hps bulbs, or am I SOL. The cheapest I found is around $96.
Yup digital thermostat for the compressor but fan stays on always and it is kinda loud but my girls don't mind. It also has an on/off timer and a few other things. I got it on sale for a little cheaper last year but either way you will not find much else that cheap. They aren't too bad looking either and when it is off the vents tuck themselves in and it looks like a big paper shredder or something. heh
For those of you who like to support your local Hydro Store (I have nothing against ordering online), I belive I have negotiated the best possible price with 3 stores in my area. Each store gives me 25% off across the board on every Hydrofarm, Sunlight Supply, and R&M purchase. This took some serious back and forth and a couple large purchases to pull off. I believe 25% is the lowest most stores will go. I felt the owners would have killed me if I asked for 26%!

Shopping local has advantages. 2 of my ballasts were bad out of the box and were replaced the same day. No mailing BS. One bulb seemed dim and was also replaced. I paid $299 for Phantom 1000 watt ballasts. I could have saved another 10 bucks or so online, but feel it was worth it.
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Belive it or not, here's a $6,200 order. Damn this stuff is expensive.
If you live in an area that has Big Lots Stores, I was in a Michigan store yesterday and they had Miracle Grow Organics potting soil, $8 for 2 cubic feet (a big bag). I used Miracle Grow for my "pregrow" and I had no problem with it. I plan to get 2-3 bags for my summer flowers and plants. It was selling fast. Disregard if you don't use MG:leaf::leaf::finger:
Has anyone ordered from ? If so is the shipping discreet? I am going to order a Radiant hood, and a badboy t5, but i know that hydrofarm makes the most obvious boxes in the world, and not really wanting to have that sitting on my doorstep when i get home from work. Anyone have any experience with this?
Has anyone ordered from ? If so is the shipping discreet? I am going to order a Radiant hood, and a badboy t5, but i know that hydrofarm makes the most obvious boxes in the world, and not really wanting to have that sitting on my doorstep when i get home from work. Anyone have any experience with this?
I had the radiant 6 inch, and yes, it came in it's retail box. Now, this was over a year ago. What I would do is email, or even call them to work out an acceptable packaging. The initial orders I've had were fast and perfect. It's when there's a problem, I had a couple of issues. Mostly it was having to wait, when they said they would handle spmething right away. Then, a misplaced or ignored email or two. I did get everything worked out in the end. Oh, and they have an A+ rating on
Need a decent fan that can carry the load of up to a 600 watter look at this one...Only 95.00 USA free shipping and no tax..

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HigH people. Just sharing the good deal I got on a digigro coco co2 monitor and regulator off of eBay. It automaticly regulates co2 ppms to 1200-1500. Just gotta find a tank. Still waiting on a reply but i may have found a used 20lb tank locally for $50. They arent new and shiny but if they answer my questions in my favor then ill definitly buy a used tank. The price for the digigro combo was $369. I offered $350 and they accepted. Free shipping also! Sorry no link to it. Do a digigro co2 search on eBay and it will pop up.
Need a decent fan that can carry the load of up to a 600 watter look at this one...Only 95.00 USA free shipping and no tax..

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I'm lookin for a 4" one do you know if the same deal applies???
I need a 24 site ebb & gro complete system at the best price on the market. think anybody can help? the cheapest ive seen is around $500. thanks +REP