The Gonzo Odor Eliminator


Well-Known Member
found something pretty cool at The Home Depot today called The Gonzo Odor Eliminator for around $6. It's a net bag of volcanic minerals. I hung one in my grow room 2 hours ago with my two stinky ladies who are a few weeks into flower. I just opened the door and stuck my head in. I can't smell anything in there!


Well-Known Member
badass sounds like a discovery for a new moneysaver thanks im glad i read this before i bought a huge ass charcoal one. ill try it out and post what i experience.


Well-Known Member
I also just realized that I couldn't even smell my citrus air freshener that hangs over the door to my grow room. The stuff has a high surface area like activated charcoal, but it's negatively charged so positively charged molecules (odor) gets sucked into it. It says to expose to 6 hours of direct sunlight every 8 months to "recharge" it. How cool is that?


Well-Known Member
Constant, excellent find! This weekend I was going to build my own odor eliminator using the ONA, bucket and fan method but before I do all that, I'll try your recommendation. Hell, for $6 why not?


Well-Known Member
Geez, that is pretty cool. It's eco friendly too. I like that they recharge by hanging in the sun. Nice find dude!
Heres there web site.


Active Member
Works perfectly for me although I'm only growing 3 Northern Lights plants and they stink up the place without odor control.


Is there anyone here who can give an update on using this product? Such as how many plants you grew and how many you had to use? Did they "recharge" in the sunlight as promised?


Hi all. I will be doing a review on this product....yes, I really will follow through and do a review.
So far I have purchased 2 two pound bags. I ordered them from the following link...

They came quickly and discreetly. There is not really much to them. They look like a bunch of rocks in a bag. I have very young plants right now and will not be needing them for at least another couple months. I will write a more thorough review after using the product. I will cover everything from how well they work to if they actually "recharge" in the sun. Hopefully, I will be able to provide some useful information to all new, small growers. It will be good to know, even if they don't work, so everyone can just find other solutions.
Hi all. I will be doing a review on this product....yes, I really will follow through and do a review.
So far I have purchased 2 two pound bags. I ordered them from the following link...

They came quickly and discreetly. There is not really much to them. They look like a bunch of rocks in a bag. I have very young plants right now and will not be needing them for at least another couple months. I will write a more thorough review after using the product. I will cover everything from how well they work to if they actually "recharge" in the sun. Hopefully, I will be able to provide some useful information to all new, small growers. It will be good to know, even if they don't work, so everyone can just find other solutions.
What did you find Sarye? Thinkin of grabbin some of these