Hermies/Pollen & what to DO????

I need advice! I had a GR fulll & all looked going well--til an up close on my NL showed what looked like SEEDS!! All my plants are clones from my females/BUT the NL was started from a feminized seed & the one that has the issue is a clone of my original-I harvested that one & another one right behind it tht was due soon & looked suspicious-from the research I have done on here I am thinkin that the NL went hermie on me & pollinated itself & others--My question now is--What about the girkls still in flower?? I run a stagered harvest bloom room so I always have plants at different stages in the same room--are my others in danger of pollination? If so what should I do? I have girls waitng to go to Bloom room--is it safe to put them in there?? I will try to add some pics to help you see what i have going on. Please help--I don't want ot keep ruining my girls!!!!



Active Member
I had the same thing happen, ran a new strain and it polinated my whole room. Sorry about your luck my friend. Get the hermie out of there. Cold water kills pollen, but as for the ones that already were pollenated, I believe its too late.


Well-Known Member
i got hermies from a blue hash. i started a new grow room with pine express, bubblegum kush, dynamite. so excited. then this shit happens. all from seed. i thought i got females unless they fucked up. dont know. all i know is that my blue hash is 2 1/2 ft with an eight on it. hope it doesent spread to bad.


Active Member
I can't SEE herms in his pics, but he must have had them somewhere as he has seeds. I never found the offending pollen sac in my grow either, but I have about 2000 seeds of blue mystic and Blue Mystic x Trainwreck that say it was there.
I'm just guessin--I;m SURE there were NO males anywhere--all the girls were clones from MY girls the only offender could have been the NL which was also a clone of mine BUT it was fron feminized seeds--other than that I have NO idea how they got pollinated!! I am open to ALL ideas--I don't want this to happen again!
im with welsch...wheres the herms?
I can't SEE herms in his pics, but he must have had them somewhere as he has seeds. I never found the offending pollen sac in my grow either, but I have about 2000 seeds of blue mystic and Blue Mystic x Trainwreck that say it was there.
So do I just let the other girls finish & smoke them?? thats' my plan. How do I know if i got the offender?? I think it was the NL--thats the first 2 pics--I think it hermied & polinated --should I wash the room down with cold water? IF I think I got the offender out can I put new girls in or will they get polinated too?? thanks to all of you for your help--I am pretty frustrated right now


Active Member
I hate a crop get polllinated by a stealth hermi on my last grow...it sucks, but the smoke was still very respectable. I just had to crush all the buds and de-seed them before smoking...and I pitched all the seeds because once a hermi pollinates, all the seeds will supposedly make hermis...not good. But I still got nearly 3 oz of fine smoke from it. So, keep the grow going once you ditch the hermi. Good luck.