This is One Stupid Game I Tell You....


bud bootlegger
I just made it over the hurdle. Immediately fell afterwards
how on earth did you do that louis? i completely suck at this game.. the first couple of times i tried it, were my best attempts, it only went downhill from there, very quickly i might add..

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
someone referred me to the game by telling me pretty much the same damn thing.. I don't get for the life of me how one has to do with the other, but...

To sum it up, you hit qw and op to make this guy run, but its freaking impossible...

I woke up with it still on my screen so i figured id share it with you.

Let me know how far ya got if you even get anywhere.

I got to 10, brother got to 24
ahhhhhh fuck this!!


Well-Known Member

Ahahahaha this is the shit. Now I know I am gonna be doin this shit allday. Got a -0.6 my first


Well-Known Member
guess what...i made it to 100.1 meters! LOL holy crap i can't believe i just wasted my time trying to make it to the end haha... if anyone wants to know how i did it let me know lol



Well-Known Member
I cant get the page to load the game anymore for some reason....mayb e my dude sucked so bad i got banned from playing....lmao


Well-Known Member
i dont think i want to win...its to much fun watching the dude bust his ass over and over hhaha


Well-Known Member
Hilarious.....everyone's online, but no one's posting.

Everyone's hooked on this friggin I right?