Ona breezeee

has anyone dealt with the ona breeze that attaches onto the ona gel container. Will Ona breeze eliminate or neutralize the smell accumulated from 1-3 plants? Any info will help
Thnksss and peaceee:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:


Active Member
I'd say it's more because it's a a new product from Ona and that most probably haven't tried yet including myself. My best guess is that yes it could work. 1 Ona block doused the smell of 5 plants for me when I had them, and that was just from it being opened and sitting there so I'd imagine that would work even better. It will depending on stanky of a strain your running too though. Peace. =)
@brownbearclan thanks for the reply and the info im probably gonna get it now that you said it can douse the smell of 5 plants.
@tshirtninja thanks for wasting your time to come in to this thread and post a reply that had nothing to do with the subject at hand.


Ono gel is the best!! It lasts longer than the Ono Block but does exactly the same thing. I put a small amount into a container and put in the end of the exhaust pipe. I have 30 plants and my room smells so fresh when you walk into it, but when open the tent you get the smell of grade :)


Active Member
I have the Ona Liquid, it is SUPER strong, I cut it about 1/2 and 1/2 with water and spray around room and outside doors. Not sure about the gel, but good results with liquid. Payed $16 locally for it and its a good sized bottle, will probably last the whole grow + some. Hope this helps.
I use the breeze in my shop, people ask all time if I smoke in the shop,because they can't smell it. They then ask what i Use and I show them the ona gel and breeze. I've tried the different scents, original is the best.
thanks everyone for the help. im definitely goin to be purchasing the Ona gel and the Ona breeze. i might get the liquid too so i can spray it all over my cab just to be safe. just wondering but is it safe to actually keep the gel and breeze inside the cab with my plants???? or should they be outside??


Active Member
Its works very well, and its very safe. My room was very smelly even with a carbon scrube r. I have 2 small blocks and their great.