Welcome To Gaza: The WoW Journey Uncut!


Well-Known Member
Ah well the cat caught my tongue there ;)

But lets snip the vendor talk and proceed outdoors shall we :D

Anyone here have some great hiking aspirations?


Well-Known Member
:lol: The sun is a good charm to have around. I cannot relate to the thick of snow you're encountering! But some of you must have dry ground to explore upon ;)


Well-Known Member
Ground with neither snow or rain, dry ground ;)

Grounds that don't inflate your shoes with mud or frost bitten abnormalities :D

But why not making a welcoming snow angel while frying balls? Mmm Mmm Campbell's good!


Well-Known Member
The weekend past. With very unfortunate weather results. We Californians we due in for a good rain and we rightly got it so. But the hiking grounds were too damp to explore. It seems as though this week is painting a different forecast. May the Sand Dunes be good to me ;)

Gold medal bong hits

Active Member
This post really grew while. Have been really busy since i just got back into town. Good read!

Sucks you couldn't go hiking. I'm trying to talk my buddy to take a weekend off and go camping with some goodies. He has yet tripped in the nature or evening go camping lol.


Well-Known Member
Im gonna trip ballz at the beach soon, its warming up, gonna drive out to a national park/beach and see if i can help save baby sea turtles!!!! then trip and camp on the beach


Well-Known Member
My Goodie Fuckin Gosh.. Blasphemy.. I missed it while it was fresh.. When MY WoW calms I'll give this document the serious focus it deserves.. FUCK.. A report by Ndanja himself.. It's not everyday your blessed with one of these ;) And with visuals no less!