Anyone weirded out leaving a grow shop?


Well-Known Member
Just wondering, been their a few times, it's not bad. It's down a sketch alley way no real store front. So it's out of the way, but in an urban area. Any real reason to tweak?

I say no, but you know how it goes .-_-.:joint:.-_-.:blsmoke:.-_-.:neutral:.-_-.:roll:.-_-. :confused: .-_-.:spew:.-_-.:hump:.-_-.:mrgreen:.-_-.:peace:.-_-.


Well-Known Member
i mean i've heard stories of cops following people home. some claim to get busted, others dont give them the chance to find shit.

me personally i dont like going in my own car...and when i go, i normally dont go straight home


Well-Known Member
I have never gone to a grow shop, I usaly go to a hard dewar store or plant shop or a store that sells plant stuff


Well-Known Member
Yeah I Got Hella Noided Last Time I Went. There Was The One Guy That I've Seen Working There Before And Some Guy I'd Never Seen. The Dude I've Never Seen Before Kept Watching Me In The Store And Then When I Went To Pay I Noticed He Had A Gun Strapped To His Waist! So Im Thinkin "great Im Buying Products Right In Front Of An Undercover Cop!" As I Left The Store Though I Didnt Notice Anything Abnormal, Like Someone Following Me, Or Anything. It Was Probably All Just In My Head ( Except For The Guy With The Gun) Thinking That I Was Gonna Get Busted Since I Just Fired Up A Bowl Before I Went In. All Is Good Though!


Just some idiot
Our hydro shop is across the street from District Court, and the popo satstion isn't far...LOL. The block also has a gun shop and a head shop not too mention 2 bars. Who do you think the popo give a hard guessed it the garden store and the head shop...LOL. Yes I do get nervous, fortunately I know the owner well so I go in tell him what I need and pick it up at his house. It's just a garden store right?

Now is a good time to go, you're getting the veggies ready for spring, or maybe you own a greenhouse, you know what I'm saying...LOL.


Well-Known Member
man!!!!!! omg i hear that, im just starting up so i had 2 really buy in bulk. I waz telln people @ the store that my girls plants keep dying since we keep thm inside....... with all the shit im my cart it looked like i was going to do a plant labotomy im chemistry class


Well-Known Member
man!!!!!! omg i hear that, im just starting up so i had 2 really buy in bulk. I waz telln people @ the store that my girls plants keep dying since we keep thm inside....... with all the shit im my cart it looked like i was going to do a plant labotomy im chemistry class
ahahahahaha omfg nice


Well-Known Member
I was worried about cameras on the streets. Some neighbourhoods have "safety cams" that are just pointed along the street... Scoped some out not too far from where I was-- next time I'll leave the car further away and wear a hat!


Well-Known Member
Wow that's crazy having it right across from the court house!

Yea our city is big on cameras, but they have the lights on top, there is only one parking lot camera for some other store, so that's not too bad.

Haha you know the more stuff you get at once, the less times you'll have to go back!

LVJay way to slip past the man!

Gigglegirl, you do see everyone wearing a hat at those places... ha

Now I'm not so tweaked about ours, thank ya.


Active Member
ehehe its funny to hear everyones stories. I remeber parking down the road then as soon as got into my car I burned down the street, but then it came to me, all they'd have to do is get your plates, dah. I guess thats what the erb does to you though opens up your awareness, even if that awareness is over paranoia. My latest as been about the cycle times of elec useage, to people hackin my pc. Paranoia is good as it makes you cautious, but not good if you let it get the better of you. Just realise this, if you get busted, so be it. If not, awesome, but also, so be it. Whatever happens, happens so jsut roll with the good times, the learning, knowing you won't have to get fucked around by other people anymore. There is no use worrying about something that may not ever happen, its useless. If it happes, deal with it then and there.



Active Member
lights and stuff are not illegal?
Go smoke some erb, then

All it is, is this....what would a guy (probably youngish) go into a hydro shop to buy? Lights, nutes, the rest of it.

Now, what is he going to grow with that equipment?

How many people do you know, grow hydroponic tomatoes, and whats that ratio to people that grow erb ?

One smart way of growing is this, do 2 cycles a year, of erb, and the other 2 do with your own organic veges, I'm keen to grow some erb, but first I'm growing my own veges, just in case ;) and its very fulfilling to know your growing your own veges too.

If you get raided growing tamatoes, I guarantee they will never be back to your place again, and theyd be the laughing stock of the police community for years.



Well-Known Member
Wow 3Water! You're spot on! Haha you left one part out. The IR Heat guns to look "into" your house!! Haha I tweaked on it all as well... power, heat, anything and everything... It all starts after smoking too!!

If you look at all my faces in the first post it shows how I came to this post... I smoked... thought about it... tweaked off about it... then said oh well... I<3AStory


Active Member
Wow 3Water! You're spot on! Haha you left one part out. The IR Heat guns to look "into" your house!! Haha I tweaked on it all as well... power, heat, anything and everything... It all starts after smoking too!!

If you look at all my faces in the first post it shows how I came to this post... I smoked... thought about it... tweaked off about it... then said oh well... I<3AStory
LoL, it shouldnt be, but its somewhat comforting to know there's people out there as paranoid as me. ehehe, dude I live near a damn chopper flight path, so you know what I'm thinking everytime I hear one of those damn birds, the funny thing is I NEVER noticed them before I started to think about growing. even though I'm only growing vegies atm, I still freak out thinkin, what if they are dong they're heat gun shit, and what f it wasnt my veges I was growin, lol.

Does anyone know about these heat gun, chopper things, apparently they have to get a warrant first, which would mean they'd need good reason before they could do it, but we all know the boys that are the law, are above it. How many times have you seen cops not indicate, or speed without thier lights on, lol.

I want some more info on this chopper heat detection, might start a thread on it, information is power.


Well-Known Member
I don't worry about it at all, my grow shop owner looks higher than me some mornings. I asked him if I could put a cot outback.


Well-Known Member
I order online. all that shit is legal fuck going there.they keep that shit tight because of ident packeges come stealth.your there main sales,not the tamato grower.If they lose you they shutdown.and you can search for good prices and they usually match.atleast thers know cop right next to me.