DrGreenthumbs Chemo Iranian Test Grow


Well-Known Member
Today I started germing 3 Iranian chemo for the outdoor / guerilla grow.
Theyll be vegged for 2 monthes an put out in the fields around May.
I will top them early also to keep em smaller an with in my Camo cages.

Got the cages about half done when I complete one Ill get a pic up.

Cant wait tell the outdoor season can begin............

oOBe RyeOo

Active Member
Today I started germing 3 Iranian chemo for the outdoor / guerilla grow.
Theyll be vegged for 2 monthes an put out in the fields around May.
I will top them early also to keep em smaller an with in my Camo cages.

Got the cages about half done when I complete one Ill get a pic up.

Cant wait tell the outdoor season can begin............
You have some land to put them on, or are you just going to put them out somewhere? Interested in seeing them.


Well-Known Member
Its not my land so i got to keep the numbers down so its invisibe.
Ill prolly do 2 per spot spaced way appart.

This is what it looks like ....


Well-Known Member
Finaly got one of the cagesdone.
Bigger than last years, Im hoping for big ladies.

They will expand up to 4 ft if needed.
1/4 in cages recyled from last years guerilla grow.
Spray painted the cage an the top of the bucket for camo.
And another larger wire fence piece in front to hold the local weeds weeved in it camo.
(the weeds will be weeved in better when they go out, this was just a mock up to show yall)


Well-Known Member
Its 100% losses out here unless they are caged.
Lost the first 3 waves of outdoor plants tell I completely caged em an I tried it all...

Heres a vid of me making em last year an how the camo looks.



Well-Known Member
The 3 Chemo Iranain broke soil today, Happy Birthday babbies.
(The fourth plant is Power skunk from Kanabbia)

View attachment 1479938
Let see how fast they grow vs the Powerskunk.
Im betting on chemo to grow faster from what Ive seen with the fist one.


Well-Known Member
The lil chemo in the bottom of the above pic also has 2 little sets of true leafs!:-P

My crapy camera wont take a good pic, Ill try an get some up to show yall asap....

Thats so wild.:-o


Well-Known Member
I was cleaning an trasnplanting in the cab today with my grow partner COCO....

An got a pic of the chemo that I thought had 4 leafs from birth..

I was wrong, Its 3 leafs

First one Ive ever had, cool.


Well-Known Member
Sub'd up....Love the weaner, I have a long haired one just like him, but a girl. Your plants are about a week younger than man. Everything the same except I currently don't have any perilite or humatic acid (BTW, what is that?) (and I'm using bag seed Lol)


Well-Known Member
Thanks for stopin in.

Humatic acid / lingo Protiens - are extracted from anchient soil called Humis, witch is full of decomoposed plant matter.
So its kinda like realy old compost Juice.

Dont Dachusnds make incredible grow partners?
Im hoping I can double my yield with him around helping. lol


Well-Known Member
Sup growers,

The Chemo Iranian is 3 weeks old today.
Shes been doing good nice an green.
I transplanted her in to a 44 oz DIY airpruning pot.
At 3 weeks she had more roots than the 30 day old dielsel (witch was a Male dam)

View attachment 1490171

The outdoor ladies are 5 days old today.
Only 1 Chemo Iranian is growing fast like the first one did.
The other 2 chemo an 1 Power skunk are about the same.
View attachment 1490170

Heres a pic of the first Chemo from the side in my cab.
View attachment 1490181


Well-Known Member
Sup growers,

Today I took a clone off the Chemo Iranian.

I toped her to have 6 main colas, but she only had 5?
So I took the odd shoot as a clone.
Her Mamas grown good an has a bit more stretch than the Chronic an Sharks breath at there age, but is also bigger than them at that age.

Due to being Broke as hell, I will not be running Zeba Gel outdoors to reduce watering trips.

I will be using the PolyAcrilimide stuff from Miracle Gro.
I have herd rumors it makes bud taste bad, But I doubt it. Prolly the same folks who say Miracal Gro Nutes make bud taste bad.
Thats like sayn Plastic Pots make your bud taste like plastic lol.
It says it non toxic, an safe for use on fruits an vegies that all I needed to hear.
I know it holds water better than zeba an is cheep.
Ill go for it an report the findings when the outdoor ladies are done.