First Grow: Jet 47 - PC Grow Box


Well-Known Member
Hey guys this is going to be my first ever grow. I'm using a pc grow box with 4 CFL lights and FFOS soil with a jiffy pellet to germinate.
24-0 for the light schedule, Temp in the pc case dips too low if the fans are on without lights.
Well here we go =P

I started germination and within 6 hours the seed cracked and I put it into a jiffy pellet and waited about 18 hours, By then it had popped so I put it in the light and soil and will start counting the days from now, 6 hours after original introduction to the light and 30 hours since putting the seeds in the paper towel germination method.

Day 1 at about 9:00pm:
Day 1.jpg

Subscribe, More to come, I will try to update daily for a while.


Well-Known Member
Cool... Sounds good.. I just started germn my tonight, u just put em straight in the pellet and rockwool... I have faith theyll all sprout lol...


Well-Known Member
Day 2:
Day 2.jpg
I Removed the shell because it was annoying me staying on for no reason lol, i know people say to leave it alone, o well. =p


Well-Known Member
Day 3:
Day 3.jpg
Its actually growing pretty fast lol.
And heres some sour diesel I picked up the other day.


Well-Known Member
Day 5 already!
Day 5.jpg

Now that it will be getting more then a couple leaves and the boring part is almost over would you guys like me to upload more then one picture a day or more? I don't want to overwhelm you with pictures every day lol.


Well-Known Member
Could never be overwhelmed by pics.. ONly loooooooong winded posts like some threads have....


Well-Known Member
Could never be overwhelmed by pics.. ONly loooooooong winded posts like some threads have....
Haha okay man ill take your word for it, tomorrow I'm going to stick to one but since friday is officially day 7 ill post a lot lol.