Favorite Food To Eat While Baked...

I bet they were still good. I'm going to have to start a grow journal so people can check in. My puter skills suck so it will take some time. BTW thanks for asking.
soup noodles of any sort (pho, wonton noodle, ramen, mmmmmmm)
.... (but never never like half a cheesecake or an entire tube of cookie dough or anything).... *ssshh*:oops:
I like ritz crackers with peanutbutter......I get all fancy...get a large plate.....get box of Ritz....open one of the single tubes of crackers with a kife carefully get a scoop of peanutbutter and spread slowly over cracker....makeing little waves or swirls or dob it so it looks like a herseys candy kiss................get about 30 of em all nice and neat in a circle on the plate....come to my computer and hit my vape and munch on crackers and Play with computer..........its all about the prepertation that is the Stoner Jory of munchies......
LOL welcome but really,

Nothing beats a warm fudge brownie topped with vanilla ice cream
Oh man I love Hot fudge brownie sundays.

You warm up a brownie, put it in a bowl, put in 2 scoops of french vanilla ice cream on top of the brownie. Then pour hot fudge over the top and then top with a little whip cream.
^^^^^^ HUH? is that kinda like ice you crunch it up or put in drink to chill drink with fuity taste? never heard of that....sounds interesting.
mmmmm frozen grapes...
we always grow more grapes than we can eat so we always end up freezing a few buckets of them; crunchy cold goodness, though i wouldn't recommend it to anybody with sensitivity issues. also good for 'saving' any you've bought that are past their prime...AND they're good to put in drinks. or with a cheese platter. the more i think about it, +reps....