Thursday Night Chop Down!


Well-Known Member
this is a smart idea, i used to keep a note book. it was kinda a mess. this is much better and far less incriminating god forbid
i tried using a calendar and the same thing... a mess! not any more. plus with some creativity you could put some markings on the nute side to designate the strength of the nutrients.

YAY on the chop tomorrow, I'll definately be watching hehheehe. Also yeah i didnt think a couple breathes on the plant would do anything, maybe it does!
yea yea chop down!!! she is not that big but i needed to get her out of there to make room for the bigger and better girls! she is in total darkness now until tomorrow night!

stoney, good luck with the chop chop! i like the popsicle idea too. and i guess you didn't see my post about the $ tree pipe cleaners.... they are SHIT!! sorry man if you wasted a dollar, that felt stuff rubs off immediately, so i decided not to use them and use some something-or-other-gage wire, much better. however, the extra "dollar tree hat" will come in handy, i'm sure!
damn dude, no i didn't see your post about the pipe cleaners! i bought two packs! oh well I'll find a use for them somewhere... maybe I'll use them to identify my strains with color code or something. maybe I'll clean my pipe with them!

here is a photo of the diesel that i just put in the flower box. she is in a wide two gallon container. i trimmed the bottom growth to concentrate bud growth up top. lollipop style! she still has a little dirt on her leaves from the transplant. I'm gonna give her a bath in an hour with Humboldt's ginormous.



Well-Known Member
thanks man, I thought of it just as i was falling asleep last night... that's when i do all my best thinking!
I know what you mean , i love laying in bed and thinking/planning stuff haha i end up falling asleep though >.>


Well-Known Member
I know what you mean , i love laying in bed and thinking/planning stuff haha i end up falling asleep though >.>
The key is to remember it in the morning!!hahaha

If you dont mind on your next set of pictures, can you snag one of the LED panel (sorry if you already posted one)

How far do you have to hang it away from the plants and did you notice a good increase in yield/potency?

Thanks for stopping by my grow
+rep for a sick setup/perpetual
sorry it took me so long dude!!! but here they are.... the photo is kind of deceiving because it has blue red and white LED's in it... the pic makes it look all red. the red is 660nm. i paid $280 on ebay. i should have got ripped off but i didn't. the panel really is a good one. i just happen to catch the right deal. I'm gonna buy an ISIS or a blackstar very soon!



Well-Known Member
Just skimmed through this entire thread...looks awesome man....AMAZING BUD PORN haha will be tuned in for the thursday night cop down...keep up the good work


Well-Known Member
Just skimmed through this entire thread...looks awesome man....AMAZING BUD PORN haha will be tuned in for the thursday night cop down...keep up the good work
Thanks Shabang! tomorrow will be a special chop down... there is snow in the forecast because it's gonna be a frosty one!!!!!! seriously though... it's great to have ya, and i hope you enjoy the great bud porn yet to come.


Well-Known Member
I never knew thats how your LED setup thing looked, that is amazing haha!

Also yeah man, sometimes once i fall asleep i was in the middle of a thought and that thought just dissapears haha, oh well


Active Member
CHOP IT DOWN! CHOP IT DOWN! CHOP IT DOWN! WHOOOOOOOOOOO! TOGGGGA!... whoo little too far but seriously psyched for the harvest.


Well-Known Member
ME TO!!! ME TO!!!! i can't wait to see how big her buds really are. the stems aren't small and they can't hold the buds at all. I only harvested a wonder woman once before and she only gave me 16 grams. I'm hoping this one gives me more!!! i washed the diesel and put her front and center under the LED light. she is gonna be my favorite to watch over the next 8 weeks!


Well-Known Member
no way.... i ain't giving in!! but what i will do is post a sweet nug shot from my harvest last week.



Well-Known Member
no way.... i ain't giving in!! but what i will do is post a sweet nug shot from my harvest last week.

i say, DAMN! that's some frosty bud.

whatchu smokin tonight fellas? i'm hitting up some finely aged purple diesel from my first grow, mixed with a little sour diesel, also from said grow... here's a shot of the purple, hope you don't mind the post stoney...



Well-Known Member
i can almost taste that!! diesel is my new favorite flavor. that is why i am so excited about the one i just started flowering!!! please post as much as you want!

I'm burnin some bubblegum right now.... yum!

what about the rest of you guys.... what are YOU smokin???


Active Member
hrm... lets see if this works
[URL=""]Time till stoney... CHOPS HER DOWN![/URL]
Tried to do it within the post but no go... but ya get the gist :P

I am smoking some strange sativa of unknown origion... it tastes naturey... little too organic in flavor but amazing smoke in potency