The Weekly Bud featuring Sub's New Cam

also subbed for the ride new strains are my favorite, and subcool i was wondering if you accept seeds from a strain people make themselves?
i know tga strains are good but everywhere i look half the strains are out of stock. does anyone know where i can get chernobyl or plushberry or jilly bean.?
If you go through the attitude, get on their mailing list for sure. otherwise the plushberry will be GONE. that's how i got my plushberry, jilly bean, querkle,and apollo 13 BX. the attitude seedbank is the place to go.
Last I checked Attitude has some new plushberry in stock, but I'm not gonna be buying any new seeds for a while, so I'm sure the rush for the new strain will have ended and I'll get mine without too much trouble by then.
Last I checked Attitude has some new plushberry in stock, but I'm not gonna be buying any new seeds for a while, so I'm sure the rush for the new strain will have ended and I'll get mine without too much trouble by then.
I have to second that.... I had some in my basket and thought about what i still have and need to run and let them go.
The email list is the sh*t though...All the Best!
Canon T3i w 100mm f2.8 macro lens

ISO 100 f5.9
Jilly Bean

Close up

Dairy Queen

Close up

Sub how is the new cam?

Hey T,
Where can I see final shots of "Space Madness" I've seen lots of early shots of her but somehow missed the finished plant shots. Help a brutha out! :)

Those are amazing shots of jilly!
Hey T,
Where can I see final shots of "Space Madness" I've seen lots of early shots of her but somehow missed the finished plant shots. Help a brutha out! :)

Those are amazing shots of jilly!



There are a couple & I will have to search for more

I am off to work for a little

Hello, by any chance, would anyone know which subcool strain currently available has the highest thc %age? Thanks
thanks Sub! Now, if only they had it at the tude'!

So anything crossed with jtr would be high as well?

Also, I was deciding on whether to get your dq,space bomb, qrazy train, or vortex, would you happen to have the numbers on these? Im getting ready to order tomorrow

Thanks Mr. Subcool!

QUOTE=subcool;5801905]Jack the Ripper 26%
Data base fullspectrumlabs[/QUOTE]
Hello Sub, hope your doing great! Hey, I was trying to look for the thc, cbn and cbd %age's for your querkel strain. Can you share thos with me? I couldnt find it on your webpage and the tude' on says "thc-high." Thanks for your timE