Attitude!! Come on?!?


Well-Known Member
DUDE!! This has got to be the fastest growing thread EVA!! Even faster than that one with the chick begging for money hahahah! over 100 posts in about an hour holy shit! lol


Well-Known Member
lol ive got a virus/malware on my computer and can still get on the site. you all really need to upgrade from dial up!!


Well-Known Member
alright well i just spent 200 and now im off to bed... hope theres some freebies still left for all you slow pokes.. :-P


Well-Known Member
Please make a note of the following message and contact the store owner...

Stock Levels for Product Options has not been installed correctly, make sure all new files are uploaded successfully then carefully check:
- styleTemplates/global/index.tpl (stock_levels.js has not been included

this just come up in a little box for me.~
fuck nos