Cloning Questions


Active Member
I run blueberry-widow in a hydro system
I soak rockwool cubes at 5.5 then shake out excess water.
Then under humidity dome.
I am only getting a 40% survival rate. I am doing something wrong, i just dont know.
I dont see roots for atleast 2 weeks.

Do you need to flush the mother before taking clones? (mother is in top feed drip system)
Do you Need to Mist the mother for a week before taking clones?
Do you need to mist the clones once in the Humidity dome for the first few days or mist the humidity dome or what?
If clones look like they are drying out, what do you do.



Medical Marijuana (MOD)
keep just a bit of water in the bottom of your dome. this helps with the humidity and temps.. humity are every thing when cloning


Well-Known Member
takes time...i've had clones that took a whole month to straighten out
some as little as three days.

they look healthy...wait em out


Glassblowing Moderator
water in bottom
heat pad helps
split on 45* angle and i split the end into splinters
dip in gel for a minute
stick in root riot
get the tray to hold the cubes and put water under it
mist the clones daily
then BAM
you got more plants


Active Member
water in bottom
heat pad helps
split on 45* angle and i split the end into splinters
dip in gel for a minute
stick in root riot
get the tray to hold the cubes and put water under it
mist the clones daily
then BAM
you got more plants
always works for me.


Well-Known Member
I dont see roots for atleast 2 weeks. This is not uncommon. It's on the slow side, but not all that bad. Could be better.

Do you need to flush the mother before taking clones? (mother is in top feed drip system) No. I leave my moms on their regular feeding schedule.
Do you Need to Mist the mother for a week before taking clones? not necessary. If you foliar feed mom and it's time to do so, go for it, but it's not a requirement.
Do you need to mist the clones once in the Humidity dome for the first few days or mist the humidity dome or what? It seems most folks recommend just misting the dome, not the clone. Personally I don't mist either unless my humidity is unusually low.

I agree with ChubbySoap. Your clones look fine. You'll see roots within a couple of days. Then, you could just plant your clones a little deeper to help them stand straighter. They'll straighten up the rest of the way on their own.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
follow this to the tee and you will have roots in 7 to 10 days


Well-Known Member
build a bubble cloner and you wont have to worry about humidity or anything and you can use the holders over again instead of buying rockwool everytime. get yourself an air pump airstone and container and search here how to build it . it is simple and will get rid of all your cloning problems


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
build a bubble cloner and you wont have to worry about humidity or anything and you can use the holders over again instead of buying rockwool everytime. get yourself an air pump airstone and container and search here how to build it . it is simple and will get rid of all your cloning problems
not as easy as it seems, well for me its not.. i fucked that up bad.. i'l stay with the cubes and dome..

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
jump start. from advanced nutes. it will without a doubt help u out. and its not a bad idea to water the moms with clear water before making cuttings. alot of good authors will tell u that in their books.


New Member
when to take a cutting from your mother plant IMO is right after a feeding bout 2 - 3 hrs after you fed your mother make a
solution of water 5.6 - 5.8 ph add a few drops of H202 to it if your useing rockwell cubes your goin to need to soak them once you soaked them thats placing them in a screened tray lower into water fully then take out let stand on sink to drain few hrs then place them under t'5's 24 hrs prior to placing your cuttings thats useing a dome on them once 24 hrs pass by its time to cut
tools needed is 2 razors 90 percent of the time its humans that caused clone failures being steril is the key
1 razor for cutting from plant other for final cuts etc hope this helps

