1000w Jillybean Scrog On a Budget!

collective gardener

Well-Known Member
Looking good. Have you picked up the humidity reader yet? I'm in so cal too and it's a must. We get the Santa Annas and fight dry air, then the rains and fight wet air. Your HVAC background will help you a ton. Most people under estimate the importance of perfect atmosphere.

If I could lend a hand. You may consider buying a Metal Halide conversion bulb for your HPS ballast. A week or so with that 1000 watt halide will put growth on those girls that a T-8 could only dream of. Just a thought.



Active Member
@ Bio:
I plan to continue to spray the plants, just to keep it cool for right now a raise humidity a bit..
@Collective Gardener
Damn I have been reading your blog and that's impressive dude.
I moved from Ventura after about 5 years back to SD and the santa anas have been a killer. Relative humidity remains super low @ 40% on the high side ( spraying my plants brings it to 60%)
Having done a few figures I plan to use a swamp cooler to keep it moist and cool in the tent. Although I have a concern about moisture/ mold and mildew accumulation in the duct work so I will be adding drainage box along the low point in line. I cant afford a pump right now so an empty milk jug will have to work for now.
by design the excess moisture that will have built up, will be evacuated via 2 low speed exaust fans and the jug at the low point near mid height , will have to be dump about 2 times a week.
I hope this will keep a constant moisture level of 60%


Active Member
@ Collective gardener
I have been sort of torn over getting a metal halide.I have been told by dozens of people for the past year I have been researching/ growing that Metal Halides are crap. So..... I did a bit of research this morning into Mh.
if a 1000watt Mh conversion lamp produces 100k lm and a 32w t8 produces 2800 lm then that would mean that my current setup of 8 lamps would produce 22400 lm ( forgive me if I'm doing the math wrong) using 256watts,
So from that I came to the conclusion that with 4 times my current setup[256 watts/ 8 lamps= 22400 lm] I would end up using 1024 watts to produce 89600 lm as opposed to the 100000 lm from the 1000 watt Mh. Not to mention that it would take 32 t8 fixtures to achieve this same production.

So bottom line is a Metal Halide is for more productive not really by watt/ lm ratio (my calculations were from just two brands I know they vary) but by manor of convenience I would only be using 1 fixture as opposed to 32.

I hope this post can help anyone who has been debating it or heard the same "wastefulness rumor" that I heard


Active Member
Nothing new to report today other than that I am building a small veg box out of the entertainment center in my bedroom. it's roughly 26'' x 24" x 36" [LWH] and has a peg board shelving system. I will be able to fit about 12-15 clones in there or the two large plants I have surplus from the scrog. Also I have 3 jillybean clones that I still have in the little cups they came in.... they are still in great health, just stunted.
I would very much like to get a metal halide lamp but have no cash for about another week. I have been trying to sling that spare 1000watt setup I have on craigslist but I've had like 10 flakes or the fools are super shady trying to trade me busted 360's and shit. But I will keep at it maybe I can trade for a MH.

collective gardener

Well-Known Member
@ Collective gardener
I have been sort of torn over getting a metal halide.I have been told by dozens of people for the past year I have been researching/ growing that Metal Halides are crap. So..... I did a bit of research this morning into Mh.
if a 1000watt Mh conversion lamp produces 100k lm and a 32w t8 produces 2800 lm then that would mean that my current setup of 8 lamps would produce 22400 lm ( forgive me if I'm doing the math wrong) using 256watts,
So from that I came to the conclusion that with 4 times my current setup[256 watts/ 8 lamps= 22400 lm] I would end up using 1024 watts to produce 89600 lm as opposed to the 100000 lm from the 1000 watt Mh. Not to mention that it would take 32 t8 fixtures to achieve this same production.

So bottom line is a Metal Halide is for more productive not really by watt/ lm ratio (my calculations were from just two brands I know they vary) but by manor of convenience I would only be using 1 fixture as opposed to 32.

I hope this post can help anyone who has been debating it or heard the same "wastefulness rumor" that I heard
Personally, if I wanted to use flouros I'd use T-5's. Keep in mind that the cost of 32 T-8's would FAR exceed the 100 bucks for a bulb. You already have the ballast sitting there. Also, the Halide gives you all that light out of a small fixture, concentrating the light. The flouros are very spread out. I grow very large plants so light penetration is important to me. I think you'll be VERY happy with what that halide could do for you. It also will give you a chance to dial in your cooling prior to blooming. I'm not sure where you heard halides were bad. Most growers I know use halides to veg. A few use T-5's to veg.
I've personally have had awesome results from my 1000w MH. If I had the $ I would get some Kessil LED lights, which I've seen in action and they are bad ass!!

Here are some pics of my 4-week old clones under a 1000w MH:

@ Collective gardener
I have been sort of torn over getting a metal halide.I have been told by dozens of people for the past year I have been researching/ growing that Metal Halides are crap. So..... I did a bit of research this morning into Mh.
if a 1000watt Mh conversion lamp produces 100k lm and a 32w t8 produces 2800 lm then that would mean that my current setup of 8 lamps would produce 22400 lm ( forgive me if I'm doing the math wrong) using 256watts,
So from that I came to the conclusion that with 4 times my current setup[256 watts/ 8 lamps= 22400 lm] I would end up using 1024 watts to produce 89600 lm as opposed to the 100000 lm from the 1000 watt Mh. Not to mention that it would take 32 t8 fixtures to achieve this same production.

So bottom line is a Metal Halide is for more productive not really by watt/ lm ratio (my calculations were from just two brands I know they vary) but by manor of convenience I would only be using 1 fixture as opposed to 32.

I hope this post can help anyone who has been debating it or heard the same "wastefulness rumor" that I heard


Active Member
Personally, if I wanted to use flouros I'd use T-5's. Keep in mind that the cost of 32 T-8's would FAR exceed the 100 bucks for a bulb. You already have the ballast sitting there. Also, the Halide gives you all that light out of a small fixture, concentrating the light. The flouros are very spread out. I grow very large plants so light penetration is important to me. I think you'll be VERY happy with what that halide could do for you. It also will give you a chance to dial in your cooling prior to blooming. I'm not sure where you heard halides were bad. Most growers I know use halides to veg. A few use T-5's to veg.

yeah that's basically the same thing I was saying


Active Member
@ Biologically incorrect
Those plants are nice and have a ton of branches.....look perfect for my scrog, but @ 6 weeks under a t8 24/0 my plants look just as bushy and about 6-8" taller, did you top them? what sort of light cycle have you been running with the MH?



Active Member
Also I forgot to add the pots and soil to the the BM,
Soil: $2.75 @ walmart x 4 = $11
Pots: .99 @ 99 cent only store x 12= $12
TieDown_2.jpgTieDown_1.jpgTieDown_3.jpgYep they have been topped several times. I run 18/6. The first week after I transplanted them I had them against the far wall for 1-2 weeks so they didn't overheat & to get them use to the light, so they have actually only been under the MH light for 2-3 weeks. I put all my fresh clones in a fish tank with an aquarium/plant light until they get a strong root system, so there is quit a bit of adjustment for them after I put them under the MH. Last night I tied down all the branches using wooding skewers & rubber bands, which turned out really nice :) I did this to 3 of the plants as a little test to see if the buds will actual get bigger or if it will create more budding spots. I think I might also lower the light tonight since it is pretty far away right now. The damn thing is really hot, so I have to be careful not to burn my babies.

By the way how many gallons are the .99 pots? The dollar store close to where I live has 2 1/2 gallon bucket, which I'm considering using.

Peace out

@ Biologically incorrect
Those plants are nice and have a ton of branches.....look perfect for my scrog, but @ 6 weeks under a t8 24/0 my plants look just as bushy and about 6-8" taller, did you top them? what sort of light cycle have you been running with the MH?

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Active Member
The pots could actually be 2 1/2 gallon, I thought they were 3, but they're pretty sturdy and I was able to drill them for anchor points no problem
Nice, that's one of the things I hate about the plastic bags you cannot drill holes :( But for .50 each you can't beat the price. The skewers & rubber bands worked out pretty good. One of these days I'll have to build a scrog.

The pots could actually be 2 1/2 gallon, I thought they were 3, but they're pretty sturdy and I was able to drill them for anchor points no problem


Active Member
I came across a possible problem two of my larger jillybeans that aren't part of the scrog have begun to flower since placing them under a couple of cfl's days ago, i'm using the daylight bulbs could this just be from moving them from the t8's?
will it stunt their growth substantially? I still plan to flower them in 7 days with the rest or maybe I'll try my crap ass led again it's one of those 12'' x 12" red/blue 50w panels off ebay.
I grew two dj shorts blueberries under them and cfl for veg. although the plants grew super tall ( the big one was 4') there wasn't much girth to them and the branches remained thin and spidery. I actually only got about 3-4 bowls total out of the two. But it could have had nothing to do with the light, my puppy ate one of the main branches on one and a box fan fell on the other pretty early on in the veg period when the shelf it was on collapsed, I revived the plant pretty easily but it was always all gnarled and crazy even though it grew another 3 ft! I named her "mutant blue" and I actually have her spawn growing right now that I titled " Mutant Blue II, The Spawn of Mutant Blue" .....it's only been in the ground for 2 weeks and is still itty bitty.

be posting pics later today of the whole op.


Active Member
Had a somewhat eventful weekend . I managed to fit all of the plants in my tent. Adding 3 more plants to scrog side one instead of the original 4 (7 total now in an area 4'6" x 2'4''. If anyone has any idea of what I can do with the remaining 2 Jilly teens let me know. they're about 18'' right now and beginning to flower even though they've been under t8's 24/0. I dont have any extra cash this week, only about $20 I can put into the project.
Currently my spare resources include 3 14 watt daylight cfl's w/ sockets, 6 23watt "flowering cfls. the other 1000watt hps setup an enough material to make a 2' x 7' x 3' tent (dimensions can be modified slightly) these materials as well as the t8's from my main tent were going to be used for a new veg tent that would fit behind my sectional.

I would be willing the veg the other two jillybeans 6 more weeks while I veg my 3 snocaps (from seed) but can I do that after they've already begun to flower?


Active Member
I forgot to mention that I have no room really use that other HPS and no way to cool it. My ac died(not worth the cost of part) and I haven't been able to get another... I may end up trading this dude the other HPS set for a 10000 btu ac because I'm desperate right now with the ambient temp hitting 80 the past two days and the spot temp @ 86 w/ the box fan on it. a few of the leaves curled but seem to be back to normal.


Active Member

the screen is not as filled up as I expected it to be, The heat has been rough on my ladies. a few of the leaf tips turned brown. I've had a tough time keeping the temp below 80. with the 10 t8's.
Have had the flap of the tent up and a 20" box fan going.

