Nascar 2008


Well-Known Member
I didnt know that :P
it seems like an odd nicname for a guy who owns a grow light company :P... I'm sure they say its because his tires smoke everyone out or somthing... but I think we know the real reason :P


New Member
that's what i really wanted to see fdd george bush and tony stewart hugging....the way they were looking at each other you can tell they had man-sex...:mrgreen:


New Member
I think it would have more appeal if it was more like professional wrestling and less like a wine tasting...


Master of Mayhem
DAMMIT MAN!!!!!!!!:evil: I can't believe I missed this. I didn't even get to watch the shootout Friday night. Oh well, better believe I'll be here next weekend. I think that Tony Syewart and Kyle Bush are going to make for an ineteresting season. Now the drivers are "policing" themselves......this is gonna be a riot.


Well-Known Member
hey is that nascar track near the Disneay World Golfe Course ? I remember my dad taking us there, and we hears all the cars racing :D IT WAS GREAT :D