help with setup


Well-Known Member
alright well this is what i was thinking. i live in a 2 bedroom apartment and im tryna grow atleast one plant at a time. i was thinking about vegging one plant in a computer case until it gets too big for the case then put it into something else thats a little bigger for flowering. i will be using cfls for both vegging and flowering. i havent got a case picked out yet but i think if i let the plant get big enough for the case and switch it to something else bigger and start flowering then it would be a decent size. im not trying to have a huge plant. i need it to be stealthy to. my main problems are the smell and what i would use for flowering. i dont want nothing humongous as im kind of limited in space. and i got my 1 year old son here so i dont want him to be able to get to it. if anybody has any ideas on what i could use to put the plant in for flowering then that be nice. im kind of on a limited budget to.

last thing is if anybody has any suggestions on strains that usually dont grow big then id be up for any suggestions.

this is kind of my first grow. i have read a lot about setups and supplies but i dont know what ta do about smell and space on a budget


Active Member
Smell: There are tons of DIY carbon scrubbers around. I would search for them in the search bar. And inline fans are like $40 to push/pull the air through. You can also use ONA gel.
Space: If you have 2 bedrooms and only use one I wouldn't see this being a problem? I would personally use the closet in one as a flower space if you're set on a computer veg area. Remember 6500k for veg and 2700k for flower.


Well-Known Member
yeah i understand the lighting. but as far as the 2 rooms, both r being used. one is my sons and one is mine. the plants would be in my closet which is why i would like to find something else of size that would fit in the closet but be a little bigger so it could flower but i dont know what to use for flowering.


If your using a small space you should use autoflowering strains as the plants are very small. A friend of mine used a AF-strain in a computercase all the way to harvest, 4 plants in the case.

Its easy to build your own carbon filter, just search the forums.


Active Member
man growing around a 1 year old got me worried, but your grown i suppose. i would use an autoflower to great for small spaces.


Well-Known Member
first off ive seen plenty of people posting saying they have grown around therr kids and thats why im asking of sum ways to grow in something so he cant get to it but dont have any ideas what to grow in besides the pc case grow for vegging but idk what to use for flowering.


what i dont understand about the carbon filter is how to set it up. guess im a little slow tho

Basic setup for carbon filter:

fan (incoming air) → Grow area
→ fan (outgoing air) → tube/hose → carbon filter

You should really buy a ventilation kit, its worth the money. Its hard to make a DIY-filter thats strong enough. Although i made one and its working great, guess i was lucky.
Besides, if you sell like 20g after harvest, the filter will be free!

first off ive seen plenty of people posting saying they have grown around therr kids and thats why im asking of sum ways to grow in something so he cant get to it but dont have any ideas what to grow in besides the pc case grow for vegging but idk what to use for flowering.

Its a weed, dude... Alot of plants will grow in pretty much any ventilated area as long as the soil/temperature is right.

A friend of mine had a AF-strain in his bookshelf under a 60w bulb and he got like 15g, only giving it water.

I grow in my bedroom closet. Just put a lock on the grow area and your kid wont be able to get to it, easy as that.
to put in my 2 cents. I think you should build a DIY scrubber. I think you could use the case for veg and the use a larger container for flowering, just make sure you have enough room in the flowering container. If I were trying to do a stealth grow I would probably grow an indica strain that stayed short (most of them do), and grow it in the case until it wasn't filling it, but a decent size. Maybe around 8 inches. Your 8 inch plant can stretch to two feet depending on the strain, so if you are going to have a height cap and don't know the strain you are using you should maybe induce flowering at around 6 inches to keep it around 18 inches. CFL's are going to make your plant stretch, just a fact of using low light. This is not a problem, but you should be aware that when you go to flower your plant it will grow much taller for the first 2 weeks. Or like others said, you could use an autoflower strain, but I think that this is unnecessary as you can pretty well contain the height of strains by inducing flowering earlier. In the sense of yield, I would recommend that you do some topping of the plants. This will provide several perks. First, your plants will be shorter because you are growing more of a bush than a tree. It will allow the plant to use more of the light if it is bushy and short, rather than just tall.

You should train your plants so that you are using the most light on leaves that aren't covered by larger leaves that are higher up. There is a wealth of info on the web, I think you have a little research to do. I think your plan is solid and will work well, but you need to think the whole thing out more. Figure out what size your flowering chamber will be. This will help you to figure out how large to grow it in veg. Also, since this is your first grow, are you doing this from a clone? Because if you are using a seed you have about a 40% shot that it will be a male. I know people will say 50%, but I have never had 50% males from seed before, highest I ever had was 35% from 40 seeds. You can up your chances at a female by lowering the temp to 70-72F, and turning off the light for 6 hours-assuming you are vegging under 24 hours light. You should do this for 2 weeks after the 3rd set of leaves has come out-not counting the cotyledon.

Good luck, I would be happy to help more if you need.

I'm not sure why your grow needs to be really stealth. Just lock the room out so your son can't get into it. If you are doing this illegally I would just say that you should think about the consequences of getting caught, especially having a kid. You will get very little from one plant under CFL's, and saving $400 on an ounce may not be worth risking your life and your young one's.