DR. GreenThumb seeds


Well-Known Member
Yeah doggienuts is one of them....I wonder how thier sales are doing ???
who cares, Dr Greenthumb has many strains sold out and a waiting crowd for them to get back in stock, I wonder why ?
Would you like fries with yer burger, sir ?

Chad Sexington

Active Member
I can seed a plant that cost 10 dollars and end up with 60 seeds come on be serious here we talking about initial purchase not pollen chucking to get more seeds.
So instead of making your own seeds you would rather spend another 200 dollars? I guess I see why you don't like Dr Greenthumbs prices.


Well-Known Member
who cares, Dr Greenthumb has many strains sold out and a waiting crowd for them to get back in stock, I wonder why ?
Would you like fries with yer burger, sir ?
Don't get it twisted as a business man I'm happy to see that he is able to get suckers to pay high prices for his seeds and then continue to do it instead of making/crossing their own...Lets me know that if I ever wanted to invest in the seed business its alot of suckers out there....Now for as me buying 200 gym shoes when I can get the same for 60 or 20 dollar hamburgers when I can get the same for 5..NEVER...I'm always a business man first and thats just not a smart business move unless I'm the one to capitalize off the exchange. So do enjoy your 200/5=40 dollar seed...I will enjoy my 135/34=3.9 dollar seed...I will be willing to bet we both get just as high..lol
Don't get it twisted as a business man I'm happy to see that he is able to get suckers to pay high prices for his seeds and then continue to do it instead of making/crossing their own...Lets me know that if I ever wanted to invest in the seed business its alot of suckers out there....Now for as me buying 200 gym shoes when I can get the same for 60 or 20 dollar hamburgers when I can get the same for 5..NEVER...I'm always a business man first and thats just not a smart business move unless I'm the one to capitalize off the exchange. So do enjoy your 200/5=40 dollar seed...I will enjoy my 135/34=3.9 dollar seed...I will be willing to bet we both get just as high..lol
but ofcorse you will have more flavors lol


Well-Known Member
Don't get it twisted as a business man I'm happy to see that he is able to get suckers to pay high prices for his seeds
they'd be suckers if they were just first time customers but they're mostly repeat customers, you're not twisted you're narrow minded.


Well-Known Member
they'd be suckers if they were just first time customers but they're mostly repeat customers, you're not twisted you're narrow minded.
now they are bigger suckers that likes to get licked because instead of making there owns seeds from his seeds the first time they got raped they repeated the process of being raped again...but like I said people like yourself make the world go round and round


Well-Known Member
now the are bigger suckers that likes to get licked because instead of making there owns seeds from his seeds the first time they got raped they repeated the process of being raped again...but like I said people like yourself make the world go round and round
here's a classic example of the old saying " If you can't dazzle them with with intelect, baffle them with bullshit ! "

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
It's funny how all the tards seem to attract each other. The anology that was made earlier, might make sense to someone in grade school...but christ dude, who do you think your talking to here anyways...a bunch of idiots lol?? And what makes it even more frustrating for most of us, is these f-ks don't even know how stupid and repetitive they sound. He told you, now your messing with a son of a bitch...I don't blame him in the least for calling out your useless blather.

It's funny how all the tards seem to attract each other. The anology that was made earlier, might make sense to someone in grade school...but christ dude, who do you think your talking to here anyways...a bunch of idiots lol?? And what makes it even more frustrating for most of us, is these f-ks don't even know how stupid and repetitive they sound. He told you, now your messing with a son of a bitch...I don't blame him in the least for calling out your useless blather.

Lmao butt buddies are together again

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
That's the only way some people can get off, too bad for the majority of us who don't spend the majority of our time here argueing just to hear ourselves talk. That's ok bro, whatever gets you through the night. It all comes out in the wash

edit...butt buddies haha? That's a good one, careful your IQ is showing
It's funny how all the tards seem to attract each other. The anology that was made earlier, might make sense to someone in grade school...but christ dude, who do you think your talking to here anyways...a bunch of idiots lol?? And what makes it even more frustrating for most of us, is these f-ks don't even know how stupid and repetitive they sound. He told you, now your messing with a son of a bitch...I don't blame him in the least for calling out your useless blather.

You come in this thread with this
That's the only way some people can get off, too bad for the majority of us who don't spend the majority of our time here argueing just to hear ourselves talk. That's ok bro, whatever gets you through the night. It all comes out in the wash
Then go to this bipolar..
Beside i remember a smart remark you made towards me then when i made you look stupid you never replied...It seems like you start shit then back out ..Dont want me to say anything to you fine dont direct shit towards me or be more direct of who you are speaking of...