C'mon man. There are more AND better seed companies out there...
It seems like everyone is all about TGA, Cali Connection, AKG ... THEY ARE ALL AMAZING BREEDERS i'm sure... and maybe some of them have the top notch these days. It rubs ME the wrong way seeing so many repeating the same thing.
We've all seen subcool's work ...and for anyone who grew/grows it knows it's incredible.
from what i understand AKG is fairly new but also has some great genetics ..
but really???? How could almost everyone in this thread leave out
Reeferman, Serious, Sensi, Mr. Nice ......
just seems like there's a ton out there ....
then again .... I should have read the threadline "fav seed companies" as opposed to best genes.
sorry ... new moon is making me a bit angry...
i tend to agree with you on some of your points.. it definitely seems that a lot of people fall for whatever the new flavor of the month is at the time.. take the cannabis cup for example.. doe's anyone really think that tangerine dream from barney's was the best pot in the world at the time of the cup?? or even slh was the best for the two previous years?? i'm sure some will, but i know much better than this.. all the cup is about is pushing the newest flavor of the month, and who ever has the most shiny ads in the latest issue of high times and who gives out the most free samples during the week of the cup.
no one can deny the work of people like shanti and simon of serious seeds.. serious only has about five or six strains, that to me speaks volumes about the company as a whole..they don't try to push out five new strains every ohter month like some other breeders do.. there is no way possible for these breeders to do the kind of work needed to make stable hybrids in that amount of time.. therefore, i try to avoid their work..
you mention high times .... I was lucky enough to get an opportunity to smoke with Danko. When i asked him what his fav strains or breeders were he literally went speechless for over a minute. Then shot out a few i can remember.. Kali Mist, Snowcap, Chem's Sister...
I wanted to say "Dude, do you really think Dinafem's Auto Haze was one of the best strain of the year???" ... But he was a super cool guy and i felt like i was putting him on the spot. plus there's obviously politics behind it all
in any event .. never got any favorite breeders out of him.
haha ....no the hair band guy was there too. Bobby Black and believe me he came off like that kinda guy. A friend didn't know who was who and had him sign a mag in a Danko section (thinking it was Danko).... he got upset and said " I'm not Danny Danko, but i'm the editor of the magazine so i'll sign it where ever i want"lol.. gotta love when politics get involved in a marijuana magazine no what i mean?? i do guess that they have a lot of people who pay big $$$ to advertise in their publication every month, and they in return do what they can for these companies.. ever see the ads that greenhouse has in there often?? i would hate to know what they pay for them every month.. sad that the world has really come down to dollars and cents, but i guess i was just niave on that fact earlier in life maybe...
i still don't know if i've made up my mind on whether i like danko or not.. isn't he the one with long black hair and looks like he should be in a mid 80's hair band?? i think it is.. and then in skunk magizine you have that rev guy preaching about tlo all day long.. not sure on how i feel about that cat either tbh..
I think the OP has already got the answer he wanted, TGA wins, yeah, woot, woot !