2'x4' 600w DWC Tent - Spring 2011 Grow


Well-Known Member
Almost have Athena stretched from corner to corner under the screen. I'll stop training her under it and let her go vertical to finish out the stretch. Minerva (MD1) just started blowing up the past couple of days and is finally getting some real stretch going. Super quick video:
It was super quick but very nice, damn MD is so huge. You should get a very large yield bro. I got 42 grams dried off my original MD and she was no where near that big! You are in for a treat and I am jealous!!! Is she showing sex yet? Good work brotha!!!!




Active Member
I can't find the SD card for the camera so that was the maximum video length I could get. But just wanted to show you what a mixed-up reservoir looked like (w/ all the microbe products mixed in) since you asked if it was gunky or messy. And wanted to show you how MD was exploding... but yeah, she's looking great and hope I get as chunky of buds as you got with OG MD.


Well-Known Member
I can't find the SD card for the camera so that was the maximum video length I could get. But just wanted to show you what a mixed-up reservoir looked like (w/ all the microbe products mixed in) since you asked if it was gunky or messy. And wanted to show you how MD was exploding... but yeah, she's looking great and hope I get as chunky of buds as you got with OG MD.
Bro if you think this is nice...just imagine 2 months from now what yours will look like. I am so excited about Minerva!!!!

OG MD (left pic) Pat, Stranger, Shorty (different pheno from OG MD)(right pic)
DSC00244.jpgHarvest Day 75.jpg




Active Member
Crazy awesome main colas on the OG girls. Minerva has about 5 tops at the same height right now and I don't think any look like they are going to become dominant over the others. So I'm curious how she is going to look all budded up in comparison to OG MD. I'm craving something new to smoke on in any case, and as of right now she's looking like she'll produce enough to last me awhile. Plus I'll have some variety to play with down the road with the seeds I'll have soon.


Well-Known Member
just a quick question why only 4x2 when your light will do 4x4 very well a lot of light foot print not being used u could double your plant count


Active Member
just a quick question why only 4x2 when your light will do 4x4 very well a lot of light foot print not being used u could double your plant count
I don't have the space for a 4'x4' tent right now and I have to be super discrete here as far as being out of sight and small. Once I get moved and have the space... a 4'x4' tent is in the plans for flowering with the 600w HPS and the 2'x4' will be for veg. No rush though, the 2'x4' produces enough for me and another person so the only real reason to expand would be for hobby purposes.

Oh and I'm currently employment-challenged so no funds for big purchases (like another tent and lighting).


Well-Known Member
You need to move in my house so you can have a whole damn room to operate!!!!

Plants looking good, I was wondering about under the screen with Athena....do you have a fan blowing air under the screen? I read somewhere that you need a fan under there, can you explain if its def needed or as long as you have real good circulation? Your plants are beautiful bro!




Active Member
Find me a job there and we'll split an entire house or apartment just to grow in! lol

I could definitely see the need for a fan under the screen once filled in and if the leaves become cramped for space and start transpiring on each other. First time really messing with a screen like this though - and honestly I haven't done much research about how to do a real proper SCRoG... I'm just sort of winging this attempt in order to test my solution for attaching the screen to the net pot lid. I'm liking it though - a lot easier than LST'ing.


Well-Known Member
It seems everything you do with your grow looks like you done extensive research on cause its all PERFECT!!!!


Active Member
Man, far from perfect, I'm struggling a bit with getting things completely dialed in on Minerva - I'm having some sort of minor yet nagging micro-nutrient issue with her. I thought it was the pH at first because I had some fluctuation when out of town. But pH has been steady between 5.8 and 6.2 since then and some leaves are still showing some slightly different issues (the majority of leaves look excellent though). First I tried a very low amount of CalMag+ which didn't seem to impact anything... and then I tried the maximum label amount which seemed to clear things up for a bit but not completely and actually seemed to make things more pronounced in the end...

I know my tap water has a high amount/ratio of calcium and I think that has the ability to lock out some of the other micro-elements to some extent... but adding in a micro-element product separately (like CalMag+) just increases the calcium as much as the other micros - and leaves the ratio still too unbalanced...

Ionic makes a micro-element additive formulated for use with high calcium tap water but it's too expensive to justify for just one plant w/ a very minor problem. And I'm even less down with the option of lugging store-bought RO water every week plus the added expense of CalMag+ needing to be used routinely... and I can't think of any other solutions except to smoke a bowl and ignore it. lol


Well-Known Member
Why not just use a mag supplement if you think the cal levels are good.

Mag Amped™ is a pure Magnesium chelate, which is easily assimilated by the plants. Magnesium is the primary element involved in chlorophyll production. Chlorophyll essentially equates to the source of a plant’s energy. Mag Amped™ amplifies the overall chlorophyll production in plants. Extra Magnesium helps plants produce chlorophyll in lower light situations (both in intensity and duration). Using Mag Amped™ in foggy, filtered, or low intensity light, as well as short duration light cycles, helps to enhance a plant’s chlorophyll and in turn, can boost the plant’s energy level.


Active Member
I'll have to check into that product more BC - looks like the right direction I need to be looking in.

I was just thinking about those Zero Water pitcher systems... they are about $40 and would filter more than enough water for my small grows... but then I'd have to add CalMag+ to the regimen as well as filter replacements and might as well have just bought the Ionic hard water micro product to solve the problem w/o having to mess with all the other crap and expense...

I don't know, just brainstorming.


Well-Known Member
I use Earthjuice Micro Blast and used it with all other plants, never had a problem ever since that LOCKOUT! Remember, that was the stuff I got and it was cheap too and works!




Active Member
I use Earthjuice Micro Blast and used it with all other plants, never had a problem ever since that LOCKOUT! Remember, that was the stuff I got and it was cheap too and works!
I think the Earthjuice MB might be just the ticket. I was looking at the active ingredients list online and it appears devoid of calcium (which seems strange to me...). Can you do me a favor though and check the bottle you have and see if any calcium sources are listed??

And at about $15 a bottle I'll try it.


Well-Known Member
most micro blends dont have cal or mag in them hence the separate product(s) Mine doesnt either, and it is by Cutting Edge...


Active Member
most micro blends dont have cal or mag in them hence the separate product(s) Mine doesnt either, and it is by Cutting Edge...
I guess I'm just not sure if it's solely a magnesium def. issue and possibly not any or all of them except calcium (which I know my water has a high amount of already). that's why I was thinking a blend, like the EJMB, that contains most of them (just minus any calcium) might be the cheapest solution?


Well-Known Member
The micro will definitely help, tap water has cal, so then you just need the mag to round it out pretty much. What bloom nutes do you plan on using, if any?


Well-Known Member
I think the Earthjuice MB might be just the ticket. I was looking at the active ingredients list online and it appears devoid of calcium (which seems strange to me...). Can you do me a favor though and check the bottle you have and see if any calcium sources are listed??

And at about $15 a bottle I'll try it.
No Calcium, Here is whats in Earthjuice Microblast:

Magnesium(Mg) .50%
Boron(B) .02%
Cobalt(Co) .0005%
Iron(Fe) .10%
Manganese(Mn) .05%
Molybdenum(Mo) .0005%
Zinc(Zn) .05%

I use 1 tsp or 5ml per 1 gallon of water every single feeding since my OG MD lockout.

Hope that helps and I think mine when I purchased locally was like 7 or 8 bucks.

