Issue with a couple things W/ PICS


Active Member
So I am running DWC with Dutch Master Gold Nutes with RO water
there are three brainstroms and a sensi star as well as other not pictured because i dont see any issues with them.

I am trying to figure out why two of the brianstorm are nice and green while the one is yellow.

as for the sensi star whats up with it why is it deformed like that???
any help would be great


Sensi Star is almost a month from seed
brainstorm is a week and a half from seed.
the ss should be fine i have had some crazy looking leaves before.. plants still bearing great buds.

i keep my seedlings no higher then 300 ppm for the first 2 weeks and then after the first two im in the 5-6 range i leave the 4 open just in case i need to fix any probs with any deficiencies whatsoever give it a day and see if color changes any!