Does farting in the growroom help?


Active Member
lmao. you looked at the post, now you have to give some input into the subject. Fart = co2 or am I wrong. lmao :weed: this is why i normally don't post when stoned. lol
tis no laughing matter my friend...

The common fart contains a horrid amalgam of trace components i will not list to save on time...however..
Nitrogen: 20–90%
Hydrogen: 0–50%
Carbon dioxide: 10–30%
Oxygen: 0–10%
Methane: 0–10%

out of these major components, an average person living to the age of 75 will emit 8 1/2 tons of CO2 by simple farting alone.
this does not account for willful flatulence.
Exhaling, the same person will emit an additional 23.25 tons

unless you are talking globally...then the average joe would be considered responsible for the equivalence of 6.466 tons of CO2 per person per year...or more simply, 485 tons over their lifetime.

since plants look at CO2 like people look at their cupboard full of canned food, i don't see any benefit to it all...i mean, do you eat all the food in your cupboard simply because it there? No. of course not.
plants are the same. They simply won't eat once they are full.

but i see no real harm in it either i suppose...toot away mad hatter.

Caution must be exercised lest one raises the methane levels to high and opens a hole in their growrooms ozone layer of their atmospheric envelope causing heavy damage to the crops

the sad part, is i know somewhere...somewhere...a newb is going to begin a "new and revolutionary gaseous foliar feeding" program...


oh god...
u guys r wrong. execive farting in a grow room will produce alot of co2. and if your one of those people who can create a flame with their farts, u have won. there is no need to get a co2 burner. u should not try this with out a controler though. cuz the air at some point will have to be scrubed clean. i tried some bud that was grow with this method and the person didnt scrub the air. the bud looked good but tasted like shit. hope this helps sir. good luck.
farting and burping in the grow room is great for the plants..and cheaper then tanks of co2..the more people in the grow room the
I bang my GF in the grow room once and jizz on my female white widows. Two weeks later I had some seeds.
I bang my GF in the grow room once and jizz on my female white widows. Two weeks later I had some seeds.

Dude that sounds cool. Now you must fart while you bang her. Eat loads of baked beans and then go into your growroom and bang her. Let me know if that does anything for the yield. hahahhaha

Anyone else have some wacky idea's on how to improve yields please share. I know some people piss on their plants. lol
farting and burping in the grow room is great for the plants..and cheaper then tanks of co2..the more people in the grow room the

lmao. I can imagine it now, few tins of beans , a joint and your mates all pushing big ones out. lol