Advice for a noob....


So just got my medical card and am starting to grow....have a flower and veg room 1000w hps and 1000w mh, then promix and happy frog for soil. small 2ft jump start flouro lamp and rapid rooter tray with a heat mat.. intake and exhaust fans.. temps in the rooms are 70 with lights off and 78 with them on. and between 80-85 in the dome with 90-100% humidity. So i got a few clones from the local compassion center and put em in the dome with the light on been in there for about a week everything seems ok but now the leaves on a couple are turning yellow. in the mean time my seeds from attitude arrived so i soaked em and put them in the RR plugs on thursday night (3/3/11) a few of the seeds are up already but have small yellow edges on the cotyledons. i have the 3 liquid and 3 soluble fox farm nutes.

now for the questions

1. is the yellowing anything to worry about ? and if so what action should i take.?

2.what light schedule should the clones and seedlings be on?(there on 18/6 now)

3. how long should i wait to transfer the seedlings and clones out of the dome and into a cup of happy frog?


Well-Known Member
your clones aren't getting enough light. Pot them up ASAP (they are rooted right ?) I don't use a dome for seeds just cuttings 'till they root.


so put them closer to the 1000w mh?there about 6 ft away now but directly under the 2ft flouro
here are some pics(kinda crappy all i have is a phone camera)...but youll get some kinda of idea of whats goin on....was thinkin it was too much water but i dont know. so not enough light anyone else care to confirm for a noob? thx for the reply frmrboi



Well-Known Member
1000 watts isn't stronger than full sunlight were MJ grows and thrives naturally. A couple of feet away would be safe.Open your dome a little if you insist on using it.


Ok moved closer to the light .Do you think id be better off without the dome now? or just prop it open? sorry for all the questions jus seems smarter to ask someone that knows rather then guessing for myself. Its all a learning experience any reply or info is greatly appreciated! also how wet should i keep the rapid rooter plugs? only watering with a spray bottle a few sprays every 8 hours to make sure the dome humidity stays at 90-100%.... is that to much? or to little? jus kinda guessin here as i have no clue honestly...when is it time to remove the dome fully and put em in cups? now or not until i see roots outside the plug?


Well-Known Member
Ok moved closer to the light .Do you think id be better off without the dome now? or just prop it open? sorry for all the questions jus seems smarter to ask someone that knows rather then guessing for myself. Its all a learning experience any reply or info is greatly appreciated! also how wet should i keep the rapid rooter plugs? only watering with a spray bottle a few sprays every 8 hours to make sure the dome humidity stays at 90-100%.... is that to much? or to little? jus kinda guessin here as i have no clue honestly...when is it time to remove the dome fully and put em in cups? now or not until i see roots outside the plug?
wait till u have roots before transplant as far as ur light if its to hot for your hand its too hot for ur babes


Active Member
Get your lights CLOSER
Cutting need humidity .... seedlings ain't so bothered... cutting don't have roots to start and take in most the need through the need humidity.... seedlings have root so use that over leaves..... humidity not required to same extent as cuttings.
Note: Plants take most of what they need from the air 70%+ not from the soil ;)
Remove dome, transplant once roots visable. Or once 2nd set leave turn up ..... which ever sooner.


Active Member
They look normal some bottom leaves do that especially if you cut the ends off. It may be a lack of nutrenets or a sign that the seedling has rooted. I'd take them out of the dome and get them some air so they don't damp off.


thx for the reply guys transplanted 4 seeds and 2 clones (can see taproot on the seeds out the bottom of rapid rooter plug and a bunch of roots out of the clone plugs) and set them under the metal halide will see how there doing tomorrow a few more crappy pics i really need to get a better camera any comments or suggestions are greatly appreciated....threw in a pic of my burmese kush thats pic 3

