New High Times Suggests Harvesting Earlier...RIU Rejoice!


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I've got a great idea - post your address here - your fellow RIU afficinados will show up & help you dispose of your problem. :hump:

Brick Top

New Member
But like I said, your getting it mixed up. Just because someone has all the fancy equipment.. doesn't mean jack shit bro. It's what he has upstairs.. knowledge wise. You can have all the fancy and new equipment in the world.. but that doesn't mean you know what your doing.
The Doctor whose information about harvesting early that was in High Times, Dr. Paul G. Mahlberg, is a Professor of Biology (plant biology) and Senior Fellow of the Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Indiana University. He received his Ph.D. in Botany at the University of California, Berkeley and his MS and BS degrees in Botany at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. He has studied cannabis for over thirty years and has published over thirty articles on cannabis (Cannabis sativa), a tall annual dioecious plant group which includes both industrial hemp and marijuana. Wrote Laboratory Program in Plant Anatomy, and published two educational films. Served as a consulting editor to Academic Press in the preparation of ten monographs. Collaborated with Dr. Ivan Bocsa, Kompolt, Hungary, in a three-year USDA sponsored research study on hemp, and with Dr. Eun Soo Kim, Seoul, Korea, on organization and composition of glandular trichomes in cannabis and related plants. Served as a consultant to the United Nations Industrial Organization, Vienna, on industrial processing of raw opiates; to the University of Mississippi, School of Pharmacy, in its cannabis program; and to private companies in studies on secondary products of plants. Member of the board of directors of the Door County (Wisconsin) Land Trust which is dedicated to preservation of ecologically important land, and you are questioning if he knows what he is talking about, if he has it upstairs?

Please tell me you are joking.

This guy knows more about cannabis plants than everyone on this site put together. He has performed scientific research on cannabis plants for over 30 years, that's more years than most members here have been alive, and more years than the number of crops many members here have grown ....... and people here have the audacity to question him and say that he is wrong?

I am unsure if that is the epitome of arrogance, ignorance or both.



Well-Known Member
if indeed all clear trichs is when thc is at it's peak, then it is clear to me that I and every stoner i know prefer less thc and more cbd/ cbn and whatever else in their high. so all this time we primarily talked about THC and it's really a combo of things that get us to that place we really like.

i would talk up the lovely high from all clear trichs but the reality is when i put it side by side with all cloudy trichs, the cloudy won every time. don't get me wrong, it is a nice high. you'll understand what they mean by soaring (all head no body) but to me it's a novelty as opposed to something to smoke with your buds or when you just want to chill.

where people describe the nice and clean high from all clear trichs, i smoke the same stuff and think of it as something to smoke when i can't get a good buzz on and just want a light high. i used to cut some plants this early because i wanted something "weaker" (for lack of a better description) for certain things. i didn't even do it for a daytime high as, to me, it was missing something. something warm and familiar.

i've got over 50 indoor grows (about 3.5 grows per year for 16 years or so) and i've cut from all clear trichs up to mostly cloudy with 1/4 amber trichs. the all clear is a nice little buzz but it never compares to the feeling when i cut the same genetics later. friends would like the later cut stuff more too. to the point of saying that the stuff that was cut clear was ok but not great. i always make them rank from one to 10. the all clear trich reefer never gets over a 6. not once and i did it a few times. all my genetics are high quality name brand so it's not a matter of me not having good stuff.

when you let friends smoke your all clear trich reefer, don't tell them about the trichs before they smoke and ask them to judge it against the same reefer that was mostly cloudy. i'm not a gambling man but i'd lay down some money on which they prefer.

they'll like the high from the clear and when you tell them about the all clear trichs having the most thc and it being a head vs head/body stone they'll go - oh yea, i see what you mean - but once the novelty wears off, they'll want to smoke the cloudy when you offer them a choice. at least these were my unscientific findings from years of experimenting. i've had a core of 6 people testing my stuff for years and they have their friends try it so it's a pretty good sampling. :)

a few years ago, i decided that i wanted to smoke all day as opposed to smoking a joint and being zonked so i started cutting at 50% clear 50% cloudy. i and everyone else who has smoked it refer to it as a weaker high and prefer the stuff when it's cut later.

my current crop (super silver haze, S.A.G.E. and swiss bliss) are 1/2 clear- /1/2 cloudy today except the SAGEes which are still mostly clear. for the ssh and swiss bliss i'm waiting another 10 days at least for a mostly cloudy with a few amber and very few clear. IMO, it's simply a better high. i believe that most of you who cut at all clear trichs will soon go back to "normal". it's a nice buzz, not a great one. enjoy the journey! :)

been there, done that.


Active Member
Very interesting seems there's been a lot of fresh info on this topic in the last year or so.
On a related note, does anyone know anything about Plants that mature from the bottom up, leaving the top colas never quite done? I'm in week 9 of flowering with some mystery Indica strains and the middle buds are getting red and 30-40%cloudy while the big fat top colas are still totally white pistilwise and mostly clear trichs. I'm gonna keep waiting, harvesting the buds that are done as they are done, but am concerned that the top colas will never finish. Thoughts? I've got some pics at wk 8 posted in another thread...check my profile for the "getting soooo close" thread.


Brick Top

New Member
A thesis submitted by
David Potter JP
In fulfilment of the requirement
for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
in Pharmaceutical Sciences
Department of Pharmaceutical Science Research
King’s College London
March 2009

The relationship between trichome colour and cannabinoid content is shown in Figure 3.22. The data were more evenly spread than those from the corresponding trichome density study. The slope of the regression line shows that there is a weak but significant tendency for darker coloured trichomes to be associated with low-potency cannabis samples.

The comparison between trichome colour and CBN content showed that the lower average potency in darker colour trichomes could be almost entirely due the THC having catabolised in these samples..


Well-Known Member
so keep scaring people into harvesting early. you're doing a GREAT job. :clap:
Dude there is definitely a difference between what they suggest sientifically and what most of us grow at home and the scientifical pot to me doesn't cut it maybe for the medically needy but not me I want the rocket ship every time my friend so go ahead and stick to all the Ground science you want I believe you 100% I just know its not for me I will continue to grow along side my buddy riddleme I like what he has to say about things more along what I like to hear see and above all Smell & Taste. FDD Keeep on Keeping on my friend peace out and by the way stop on by my grow and shed some of your light there too Titled in the Journals as SkunkII or newbie thread is Homers Guide To The Universe.


Well-Known Member
if i take 2 hits from a strain with 20% THC is that the same as taking 4 hits from a strain with 10%?

can you get higher? or is there a "plateau"?

if you have a pound of weed, does any of this matter?



i harvested some bud when when it was 80% clear 20% milky, bud still needed some time, but it was some goood goood smoke.:leaf: IMO i like fat juicy nugs, and harvesting when clear the nugs are probably not gonna be done

Brick Top

New Member
i harvested some bud when when it was 80% clear 20% milky, bud still needed some time, but it was some goood goood smoke.:leaf: IMO i like fat juicy nugs, and harvesting when clear the nugs are probably not gonna be done
Scientifically proven facts are just that, scientifically proven facts, but that does not mean following them to the letter will give someone what they prefer.

As long as someone talks preference and does not attempt to pawn it off as being facts that's totally cool and the gang, but when someone tries to pawn off personal preference as being proven facts, that's misleading to people who do not know any better.

Someone with a PhD and a high tech lab can prove what they say is true, but the most any grower/toker can accurately say is that the prefer something when it is done different than what the PhD proved, that they like something more when it is done different than what the PhD proved.


Well-Known Member
so when it comes right down to it, ... all that matters is what I think, since i am the one smoking it. ;)

this could be said by everyone.


Brick Top

New Member
so when it comes right down to it, ... all that matters is what I think, since i am the one smoking it. ;)

this could be said by everyone.


Sure ... because that is based strictly on personal preference and absolutely nothing more, just as someone saying they prefer a predominantly indica cross over a predominantly sativa cross, or the other way around. As long as it is stated as personal likes or dislikes, personal preference, then you are absolutely right.


Well-Known Member
So, have we came to a conclusion that weed is scientifically higher in thc when trichs are clear?
The plant is obviously not fully mature at that moment of time so this really isn't making sense to me.

Also i am a legit insomnia patient, i smoke for that reason and also recreational. I prefer the couchlock, ktfo stone. Could someone please point me in the right direction to learn more info about CBN, CBD, THC and what they mean, what they do to you, and how they work? Something that is in english not scientific nerd jumble. Thanks.

*edit: nevermind that would be this thread, i got some reading to do, skim through then nonsense absorb the knowledge.


Well-Known Member
Sure ... because that is based strictly on personal preference and absolutely nothing more, just as someone saying they prefer a predominantly indica cross over a predominantly sativa cross, or the other way around. As long as it is stated as personal likes or dislikes, personal preference, then you are absolutely right.
what else is there, and what would it matter?

Brick Top

New Member
Originally Posted by Brick Top Sure ... because that is based strictly on personal preference and absolutely nothing more, just as someone saying they prefer a predominantly indica cross over a predominantly sativa cross, or the other way around. As long as it is stated as personal likes or dislikes, personal preference, then you are absolutely right.

what else is there, and what would it matter?

When you take the topic of the thread into consideration and how it is about harvesting earlier than many people have for some time, wrongly believing that harvesting late would be when maximum levels of THC would be achieved/reached, that is what else there is and what would matter if they attempted to incorrectly claim that harvesting late meant maximum levels of THC would be achieved rather than just saying it is their personal preference to harvest at some other time for whatever reason or reasons.