Thanks SP, all I can see in my mind are those little pellet type cylinders like in a bb-gun... the size of whipping cream charges
I will have to look around, thanks for the idea. Makes sense to me that co2 would be cleaner, but will wait for some word on that before I get carried away. I am a first timer too, always up to learn something new!!
here go look here to get an idea and track em down
I have ten grand to blow but not on a co2 oil maker.....I think you and I will be happy with our $55 okeif tube....LOL
CO2 hash is good shit but, by no means is it cheaper. It is called Super Critical Fluid Extraction and the extractor costs about 6 grand. But once you get it you can make your money back quick n easy by selling the extracted product for about 40 per gram. It is cleaner and more stable than BHO but expensive.
There is a place here when I can go pay 5 bucks to do a fat glob of wax out of a nice Roor. I love SD sometimes.
Mr. Green and Benassi give this a read through, may keep you busy for a while.