Plants almost done........ mildew???


Active Member
What does a plant look like if its getting mildew???!!! Two of my girls have powder on their leaves that doesnt look like crystals under my 30x loop!!! They smell fine. Is it frost? Just looks like baby powder to me. HELP!!!!:-(

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
my girlfriend who is pretty educated in growing told me that if u take your 30 times loop look into the bud if u see a spider web looking thing thats mold starting and is present.


Active Member
powdery mildew......your almost fk. take action now never grow that plant again
That plant is white widow. I think I screwed up by foiling. Not sure, im new at this. I have two more widows that have no signs of mildew.
Anyways I tried a 1tbl spoon of baking soda to a gallon of water spray on them and it seems to be working. Going to burn sulfur too.
As I have said I am new at this. Any and all advice is appreciated. P.s. Have I mentioned that I probably have a week left on these girls.


Well-Known Member
yeah probably dont give advice based on what you are guessing sounds maybe like it could be right.... sulfur burning is a very old method to kill powdery mildew, although i think you should wait and see if the baking soda works before you go the sulfur route.... however the old adage shines true here and an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, there is a foliar called serenade that is ten bucks and change that if used basically ensures you wont have any mold problems. that shit can wreak havoc if you dont keep it in check, and can give you some serious respritory infections.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
its not ok. thell smell like rottin eggs. so u have fan leaves with pm on them now? u have to start pulling leaves off now. on time i had pm worse than u ever saw it my gf literly trimed the plants with 12 days left on the grow and kept them on there cycle. u should start pulling pm leaves


Well-Known Member
the mold wont dissaepear when you kill it with bs, but it should stop progressing and change from white to beige. garlic spray works as well. there is nothing you can do to save the molded portions, although its still good for butane hash, if your not into all that just cut away every thing with mold and toss it. it is a lot easier to see in sunlight than artificial light. seriously dont smoke or sell any mold.


Active Member
So far its just a few leaves dusted. Hope to have caught it before it got to my buds. i only have a week left on these girls. Will try to post pics tomorrow. THANKS FOLKS!!


Well-Known Member
This is a great cure for P.M. 1 part milk 9 parts water. Mist a couple times for a couple days.

How does milk control powdery mildew?

Scientist aren't 100% sure how milk works to control this disease. It seems that milk is a natural germicide. In addition, it contains several naturally occurring salts and amino acids that are taken up by the plant. From previous experiments using sodium bicarbonate, potassium phosphate, and other salts, researchers have found that the disease is sensitive to these salts. It is possible then, that milk boosts the plant's immune system to prevent the disease.