well hopefully the ball may start rolling and other people will start following his lead, its not like mst people in public serice are not on harder drugs than he is. by cannabis not being legalized the police are wasting there time busting small home grown operations when they should be out curbing the crack, heroin and now meth epidemics. then again its not the first time weve all been baffled by silly policies in this country.
kubla if your looking for something easy for a first time grow try the northern lights or personally you would be better trying a big bud for your first grow, i also heard skunk is a very good first time grow, i had 2 of my five survive but the seeds were very old, but the plants i have have turned out very well.
what kind of kit have u.
also about ming hes not done himself any favours by not giving up half his salary like he said he would if elected. he said he does not want it going to the banks, its ok for us to give to the banks but mings too good for that. he said hell give it to local charity but id like to see that happen, i bet hes regreting he ever opened his mouth about giving up half his wage. although 90,000 for a td is a bleeding joke, half the tradesmen in the country have got more qualifications and studied harder for there professions, they are getting paid not a thrid of what them assholes get.
hope all your grows are coming along nice.
heard its gonna snow again aswell, did any of you guys hear that.
thanks JackJones i hope you get that sorted mate. it could be the answer to your woes.