PH closer to 6 or 6.5?? Keep seeing and hearing diffrent things


Active Member
First time grower man i just wanna do whats best for my babies :weed:
All suggestions are appreciated!

"PH closer to 6 or 6.5?? Keep seeing and hearing diffrent things"


Well-Known Member
Marijuana can grow from as low as 5 to 8, the optimum range is 5.6 to 6.5, 6.2 being the sweetspot for soil and 5.8 for hydroponics. Also your medium must be buffered or have your nutes do it over fertilization.


Active Member
Marijuana can grow from as low as 5 to 8, the optimum range is 5.6 to 6.5, 6.2 being the sweetspot for soil and 5.8 for hydroponics. Also your medium must be buffered or have your nutes do it over fertilization.
So I have mine all at basically 6.0 at the moment... Greentiger up there says 6.5 all day.... AHHHHHH!!! this is my dilema :) Not that .3 is a huge difference, but for future refrence shoot for 6.2 - 6.5? I APPRECIATE ALL THE THOUGHTS GUYS!!! :)


Well-Known Member
if it's 6.0 feed 6.5 and keep monitoring your drain PH, if you keep the right ratios and regular feeding the medium should stay buffered at the desired range.


Well-Known Member
I'll throw in another vote for the upper range, 6.5'ish. I like to keep mine around 6.8, and everything I give them PH'ed to 6.8, because PH rises and falls, as the soil goes from being very wet, to being dry. IMO, 6.0 is too close to being overly acidic, and is asking for trouble, over time. Using a higher PH will keep your PH in the acceptable range, longer, IMO. :)


Active Member
I'll throw in another vote for the upper range, 6.5'ish. I like to keep mine around 6.8, and everything I give them PH'ed to 6.8, because PH rises and falls, as the soil goes from being very wet, to being dry. IMO, 6.0 is too close to being overly acidic, and is asking for trouble, over time. Using a higher PH will keep your PH in the acceptable range, longer, IMO. :)
Cool cool dude!! thanks for the tip!! I'm deffinitely going to raise it a bit :)


Well-Known Member
So here is what I recommend to my soil growing friends, and use as a guide for all my grows in soil. I set a hi and low and work with that. So for soil I go with 6.2 to 6.8 anything in between that is fine. Now the reason I do this is so your not chasing pH all the time by saying 6.5 or die. It give's you some breathing space and the number is easier to keep and your not always farting around with pH and your plants like it. Most times when you pH it is a guess and not very often right on so your over or under, this makes life simple. Now if you use worm castings at a rate or 20% total in the mix you don't need to pH as the worm poop will adjust the soil. I started using worm castings 8 years ago and checked my soil pH every month for a year and it was always in that range. I spot check 0nce a year that's all. I use the same soil over and over again, kind of like no till that the farmers do.

PS I have never used Dolomite Lime to grow weed, I do use it in the fall in my outside garden every few years. Check out Subcools mix and you will see he ages it, when ever you use lime it should age as it will burn your roots. Now there are always people who get away with it but as your new to growing you may as well learn the right way to do things. Check out any bag of dolomite and it says so on it or any garden site.

Here are some results of my dirt grows and all I do is water them that's it. When it's time to replant I top dress with organic nutrients, work into the top 3 inches and that's it.





Active Member
So here is what I recommend to my soil growing friends, and use as a guide for all my grows in soil. I set a hi and low and work with that. So for soil I go with 6.2 to 6.8 anything in between that is fine. Now the reason I do this is so your not chasing pH all the time by saying 6.5 or die. It give's you some breathing space and the number is easier to keep and your not always farting around with pH and your plants like it. Most times when you pH it is a guess and not very often right on so your over or under, this makes life simple. Now if you use worm castings at a rate or 20% total in the mix you don't need to pH as the worm poop will adjust the soil. I started using worm castings 8 years ago and checked my soil pH every month for a year and it was always in that range. I spot check 0nce a year that's all. I use the same soil over and over again, kind of like no till that the farmers do.

PS I have never used Dolomite Lime to grow weed, I do use it in the fall in my outside garden every few years. Check out Subcools mix and you will see he ages it, when ever you use lime it should age as it will burn your roots. Now there are always people who get away with it but as your new to growing you may as well learn the right way to do things. Check out any bag of dolomite and it says so on it or any garden site.

Here are some results of my dirt grows and all I do is water them that's it. When it's time to replant I top dress with organic nutrients, work into the top 3 inches and that's it.


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So you dont do like water, then water with nutes in it, then water again? Just water?
I hope my ladies look anything like your dude!! GOOD JOB!!! :)


Well-Known Member
Yup I just water, I put all my food/nutrients in the soil at the start and from then on I just water. If I feel like I should be doing more I might make a tea, but that's just to keep me busy. Every thing they need for flowering is in the soil. I just water.

I use a custom organic blend 6-12-12 and some other cool stuff and I get it all from here you need to find a place like this near you for the good stuff.

Spanish River Carbonatite is mined from a volcanic
deposit in northern Ontario. It improves the CEC of the
soil, and provides calcium, phosphorous, potassium,
vermiculite and many trace minerals. Apply at a rate of 1
kg per square meter in gardens and lawns, to several
hundred pounds to one ton per acre in field crops. It is
wet and is best spread by hand or using a large lime

Greensand (iron-potassium silicate or glauconite) is an
ocean deposit developed from seashells and organic matter.
It contains 7% potash (which is slowly released), and
micronutrients including sulphur, boron, iron, manganese
and zinc. Greensand improves the tilth of heavy soils,
and increases the water-holding capacity of sandy soils.
Apply at any time at 300-500 lb./acre or 2-5 pounds per
100 square feet.

I use this to start my plants and they custom blend anything I want.

3-1-3 Fertilizer is a Homestead Organics blend of organic
grain meal and natural rock powders. This blend
provides organic matter and nutrients for houseplants,
lawns, and gardens. NPK analysis is 3-1-3. Custom recipes
can also be made to suite your needs.

Kelp fertilizer mix is a 3-way mix of kelp meal, lignite,
and organic cane sugar. It provides trace minerals, humic
acids, and sugar to stimulate microbial activity. This
starter fertilizer helps plants emerge quickly, have
greater resistance to pests and diseases, extended shelf
life, and better nutrition. Apply 15 lb/acre at planting. It
flows well and is suitable for the fertilizer box of row

Earthworm Casting are from earthworms that are fed a diet of all nonmanure
based products, non post-consumer waste products except some
shredded cardboard or paper in the bedding. Castings are a very rich
source of biology including large amounts of beneficial fungi, protozoa,
and nematodes. The castings are a finely screened product. The earthworms
make nutrients much more available to plants.
Humate Concentrate, 12% is a liquid form of the naturally occurring
oxidized lignite known as humic acid. It is applied as a seed soak, foliar
spray and direct soil spray. Plants are able to take up micro-nutrients easier
and become stronger and healthier, able to handle stress better. The
soil structure is restored and beneficial micro-organisms increase. The use
of fertilizers is reduced as humate increases the carrying ability of the water.
Interesting information woods, your pics are alright but they your girls look a little light green. I'd say the whole nutrients all in at the beginning isn't the best bet. to budtoker, you can keep your ph lower even if you're using soil. make sure at least once a week to water (always with nutrients) enough so that you you get some runoff clearing out the old stuff in there that you were using. honestly with these forums, if they don't have pics to back it up then i wouldn't take their "advice" if that's what they think they're giving. choose what your plants to look like.....110219_064312.jpg


Well-Known Member
Interesting information woods, your pics are alright but they your girls look a little light green. I'd say the whole nutrients all in at the beginning isn't the best bet. to budtoker, you can keep your ph lower even if you're using soil. make sure at least once a week to water (always with nutrients) enough so that you you get some runoff clearing out the old stuff in there that you were using. honestly with these forums, if they don't have pics to back it up then i wouldn't take their "advice" if that's what they think they're giving. choose what your plants to look like.....View attachment 1487879
Well as the plants are in the last week or days of being cut they look very fucking amazing and if they looked like your plants they would smoke like shit. My advice to you is to follow your own advice and when you know what your talking about than go ahead but until l then back off the Cal-mag. Your plants are getting far to much of something as there is no way they should be deep dark green. Go check out any of the seed sites and look at there plants no one has deep dark green plants.........